

Who discovered induced heat shock response?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Who discovered induced heat shock response?
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What is the function Heat shock protein?

Heat shock proteins are a group of proteins that are produced by cells in response to stressful conditions, such as heat or other environmental stressors. They help maintain proper protein folding, prevent protein aggregation, and assist in protein transport within the cell. Heat shock proteins play a crucial role in cellular protection and survival under stressful conditions.

What has the author Bruce Douglas Clark written?

Bruce Douglas Clark has written: 'Characterization of a heat shock protein synthesized in the mammalian retina following LSD-induced hyperthermia'

Could someone explain heat shock proteins?

Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are a group of proteins that are produced by cells in response to stressful conditions, such as heat, toxins, oxidative stress, or inflammation. They are named "heat shock" proteins because they were initially discovered as proteins that are upregulated in cells exposed to high temperatures (heat shock). The primary function of heat shock proteins is to protect cells and maintain cellular homeostasis (balance) during stressful situations. They help prevent or repair damage to proteins and other cellular structures caused by stressors. Here are some key points about heat shock proteins: Stress Response: Heat shock proteins are part of the cell's stress response mechanism. When cells are exposed to stress, such as heat or toxins, the production of heat shock proteins is increased. Chaperone Function: One of the main roles of heat shock proteins is to act as molecular chaperones. They assist in protein folding, ensuring that newly synthesized proteins fold correctly into their functional three-dimensional structures. They also help refold damaged or denatured proteins to restore their proper structure and function. Protein Stabilization: Heat shock proteins help stabilize proteins under stressful conditions. They prevent protein aggregation (clumping) and help to maintain the integrity and function of other cellular components. Cell Survival and Repair: Heat shock proteins play a crucial role in cell survival and repair. By assisting in protein folding and preventing protein damage, they help cells recover from stressful conditions and minimize the harmful effects of stress. Regulatory Functions: Heat shock proteins also have regulatory functions. They influence various cellular processes, including gene expression, protein transport, and cell signaling pathways. They can modulate immune responses and regulate cell death (apoptosis) pathways. Disease Implications: Heat shock proteins are associated with various diseases. They have been linked to neurodegenerative disorders (such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases), cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and autoimmune conditions. Heat shock proteins can influence disease progression and serve as potential therapeutic targets. In summary, heat shock proteins are a group of proteins that are produced in response to cellular stress. They help protect cells, maintain protein integrity, assist in protein folding, and play important roles in cellular homeostasis and disease processes.

What has the author David Charles Martin written?

David Charles Martin has written: 'Heat- and cold-shock induced changes in gene expression and thermotolerance in corn, Zea mays L'

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When you look when driving you see water puddles evaporating?

Heat-induced mirage.

What is the role of proteins of transmitting pain messages?

In response to nerve damage, heat shock proteins are released and can bind to their respective toll-like receptors, leading to further activation.

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What are the swirling currents called that are induced in transformers and produce heat losses?

Eddy currents

What has the author Andrew John Morrison written?

Andrew John Morrison has written: 'Heat shock transcription factors and the hsp70 induction response in neural and non-neural tissues of the hyperthermic rat during postnatal development'

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james prescott joule discovered it

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He discovered the conduction of heat through iron varied with the heat. He also discovered the polarization of radiat heat by transmission through tourlamine and reflection through latrer. He discovered this with the use of the thermopile.