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neither, oxygen was discovered by carl Wilhelm scheele in Uppsala, in 1773

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Q: Who discovered oxygen first preisty or cavoiser?
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Where and when was oxygen discovered?

Oxygen was discovered by the very first species on planet Earth.

Which early chemist discovered and named oxygen?

Oxygen was first discovered by Swedish pharmacist Carl Wilhelm Scheele.

Why is there uncertainty about who really discovered oxygen?

because oxygen has been around for as long as there was sea life and when the first one came out of the sea they technically discovered oxygen

What element was discovered first in modern times?

Oxygen which was discovered by Lavoisier. It was before known as flojistcated air.

How was oxygen was discovered?

Oxygen was discovered for the first time by a Swedish Chemist, Carl Wilhelm Scheele, in 1772. Joseph Priestly, an English chemist, independently, discovered oxygen in 1774 and published his findings the same year, three years before Scheele published. Antonie Lavoisier, a French chemist, also discovered oxygen in 1775, was the first to recognize it as an element, and coined its name "oxygen" - which comes from a Greek word that means "acid-former".

When did Joseph Henry discover oxygen?

Joseph Henry did not discover oxygen. Joseph Priestley and Carl Wilhelm Scheele are the two men who independently discovered oxygen in 1774. Scheele actually discovered it first, but Priestley was the first to publish his findings. Joseph Henry is the person who discovered the electromagnetic phenomenon of self-inductance.

What was discovered when you first landed on the moon?

It was lonely and hostile place , with no oxygen or water there.

How was the first element discovered?

There is no record of the very first element that was discovered, but the first one was probably oxygen since it is the air we breathe or Gold because it is a distinct, and shiny metal.

Where was oxygen found and when?

Oxygen was discovered for the first time by a Swedish Chemist, Carl Wilhelm Scheele, in 1772. Joseph Priestly, an English chemist, independently, discovered oxygen in 1774 and published his findings the same year, three years before Scheele published. Antoine Lavoisier, a French chemist, also discovered oxygen in 1775, was the first to recognize it as an element, and coined its name "oxygen" - which comes from a Greek word that means "acid-former". Where is was found? I do not know.

How was the element ozone discovered?

Ozone is not an element, it is an allotrope of oxygen. Ozone is formed in our atmosphere from a single oxygen atom combining with an oxygen molecule (O2). It was first produced in the lab by Christian Friedrich Schönbein in 1840. It was identified as O3 in 1865 by Jacques-Louis Soret and was the first discovered / recognized allotrope.

What is the man recognized Oxygen and hydrogen?

Joseph Priestley was the man who first discovered oxygen, or as he called it "dephlogisticated air", back in the 18th Century

Why is oxygen name oxygen?

Antoine Lavoisier, a French chemist, discovered oxygen in 1775, was the first to recognize it as an element, and coined its name "oxygen" - which comes from a Greek word that means "acid-former".