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The process of pasteurization came from Louis Pasteur.

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Louis Pasteur

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Louis Pasteur discovered the process.

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Louis Pasteur

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Louis Pasteur

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Q: Who began pasturizing milk to kill bacteria?
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Who began pastwurizing milk to kill bacteria?

louis pasteur

How will milk in the fridge affect the bacteria that is in the milk?

Refrigeration will slow down the growth of bacteria in the milk, but not kill the bacteria. This will slow down spoilage.

Why do you cook milk?

Milk is pasteurized, or cooked, to kill off bacteria that may exist in the milk.

What are the steps to make cows milk healthy?

Pasteurization is usually done to milk to kill all the bacteria that may be present. This is done by heating the milk up for a very short period of time as to kill the bacteria, but not spoil the milk.

Why do you pasteurise milk?

To kill bacteria that live in the the milk, some of which may be harmful to people.

What is the boiling point of sour milk?

Possible to kill the 'bad' bacteria in the milk that may have formed, this will not however reverse the process of the milk being off. Possible to kill the 'bad' bacteria in the milk that may have formed, this will not however reverse the process of the milk being off.

Why boiled milk get spoiled during summer if not kept in fridge?

While boiling milk does kill the bacteria that are CURRENTLY in the milk, leaving the milk out and not refrigerated allows new bacteria to infiltrate it. Since the milk is at room temperature, it is a good growth medium for new bacteria growth.

Can original cow milk kill you?

No. Original/Raw milk directly from the otter can not kill you if The milk is not harvest correctly then it may contain bacteria that can make you sick but very unlikely

What happens when you heat milk at about 66 degrees to kill most of the bacteria?

When milk is heated to 66 degrees to kill most of the bacteria, the primary thing which happens is its chemical composition is slightly altered. This also kills natural enzymes within the milk.

What does pasteurize mean?

heating it to kill and bacteria in the milk making it safer to drink.It typically involve heating to 72degrees for few minutes followed by sudden cooling to 6-10degreres.Both process are important for ensuring complete killing of bacteria.

How do use pasteurise in a sentence?

In order to kill off harmful bacteria in milk, you need to pasteurise it.

Who pioneered the pasteurization process?

Louis Pasteur figured out pasteurization. He discovered raw milk spoiled because of bacteria. At the time, it was not possible to heat milk to boiling and kill all the bacteria but he could heat milk to 160 degrees Fahrenheit. At that point the milk would last longer without spoiling and he killed the tuberculosis bacteria.