

Who discovered t-cells?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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Q: Who discovered t-cells?
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What is produced by T cells?

Well. If you get a cut tcells come to help heal it so you feel all better. tcells are really good for your body. They help out all the cuts you have. Good luck................................... with all your cuts. Dont worry tcells where be there always for all of your cuts. once again GOOD LUCK....................................

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What does the thalamus?

it produces the hormones involved in the development of white blood cells called Tcells which form part of the immune system.

What does the thalamus produce?

The thalamus is primarily involved in relaying sensory information to the cerebral cortex. It does not produce any specific substances, as its main role is to act as a relay station for sensory signals.

Hiv attacks the body's immune system by destroying what kind of cells?

Once HIV enters the body's blood stream it immediatly starts attacking the body's CD4 cells or your helper t-cells. An average HIV Negative person has roughly around 1200 tcells per every milimeter of blood. How HIV works is that once it's in the blood stream, the HIV virus is a hundred times smaller than one tcell, and the HIV virus attaches itself to the CD4 cell and it sinks into the tcell and uses the cells RNA to copy the HIV virus up to a billion times in 24 hours. But once the HIV uses the tcells RNA the tcell then become paralyzed and dies, and after HIV and destroyed so many tcells that the numbers drop below 200 tcells per milimeter of blood, the body can not naturely fight off infection, and this stage is what you call full blown AIDS.

What do t cells do?

(t-cells) are involved in cell mediated immunity that can have memory of previous antigens(non self) that have invaded our body. cytotoxic tcells release preforin that destroy tumor cells or antigens helper tcells release cytokines/interlukins that help in more tcell differentiation

Will there be a treatment to cure you if you had HIV?

Once you are diagnosed with HIV, or when HIV enters the bloodstream, there is no known cure in which it eliminates the HIV virus from the bloodstream. Usually when you are diagnosed the doctor will then take a blood test to see how much of the virus is in your body per milimeter of blood and also how many CD4 cells (tcells) are also in your bloodstream. If the tests come back that there are more than 200 tcells per millimeter of blood, the Doctor may not put you on HIV medications since your body can still fight infection on it's own. If your tcells are 200 or below, your body can no longer fight off infection and he or she will then start you on HIV medications. Depending on what strain of the virus you have, the Doctor can start you on numerous different kinds of medication combinations. Don't get confused that the HIV medications DO NOT cure HIV from your bloodstream, all it does is stop HIV from attaching to your tcells, and stops the virus from duplicating and keeping the virus undetectable. This way the virus is no longer attacking your immune system, but the virus is hiding mainly in the lymphnodes, and if you were to stop taking the antiretrovirus medications, the virus would come out of remission and start attacking the body again.

What has the author Bassim Malas al-Beirouti written?

Bassim Malas al-Beirouti has written: 'Culture, characterization, and cytotoxic activity of [gamma][delta] Tcells from patients with Ph(+) chronic myeloid leukemia'

How do tcells affect puberty?

T cells do not affect puberty. T cells are a type of white blood cells which help to figh off infections. Puberty is the name given to the period during which a child turns into an adult.

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The past tense of "discovered" is "discovered."

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The first person to discover Saturn`s moons was Christian Huygens in 1655. The following moons discovered in order are: Titan Discovered:1655 Discovered by:Christian Huygens Iapetus Discovered:1671 Discovered by:Giovanni Cassini Rhea Discovered:1672 Discovered by:Giovanni Cassini Tethys Discovered:1684 Discovered by:Giovanni Cassini Dione Discovered:1684 Discovered by:Giovanni Cassini Enceladus Discovered:1789 Discovered by:William Herschel Mimas Discovered:1789 Discovered by:William Herschel Hyperion Discovered:1848 Discovered by:William Lassell Phoebe Discovered:1898 Discovered by:William Pickering Janus Discovered:1965-1966 Discovered by: Audouin Dollfus Epimetheus Discovered:1966 Discovered by:Richard Walker Helene Discovered:1980 Discovered by: Pierre Laques Telesto Discovered:1980 Discovered by:Bradford Smith Calypso Discovered:1980 Discovered by:Dan Pascu Prometheus Discovered:1980 Discovered by:Stewart Collins Pandora Discovered:1980 Discovered by:Stewart Collins Atlas Discovered:1980 Discovered by:Richard Terrile Pan Discovered:1981 Discovered by:Showalter Other astronomers:Kevin Beurile, Brett Gladman, Matthew Holman and others. If you want to see the rest, go to to see the article Timeline discovery of solar system planets and their moons.

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The murals were discovered in 1928. The murals were discovered in 1928. The murals were discovered in 1928.