

Who discovered teeth?

Updated: 11/16/2022
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14y ago

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The first human which was born on Earth.

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Q: Who discovered teeth?
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What did Anton discover and what did he use to see his discovery?

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In the 1800's, some fossil teeth belonging to ceratopsians and hadrosaurs were discovered. They were classified under the genus Trachodon. When it was realized that the teeth did not come from one type of animal, the genus Trachodon became dubious.

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the tooth brush was not invented until 1938 but early forms of the toothbrush have been in existence since 3000 BC

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The unknown facts haven't binn discovered yet

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In 1924, Depéret and Savornin found a couple of Carcharodontosaurus teeth. They didn't realize that the teeth belonged to a new genus. Later, Stromer discovered teeth identical to the teeth Depéret and Savornin had found, but he also found it with more bones. Now he knew that it needed it own genus, and he named it Carcharodontosaurus.

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Many believe that there is no use for them because they already only use there legs and teeth for hunting ,but others say there is a use for them but we have not yet discovered that reason.

Where was the first bacteria found?

Antony Van Leeuwenhoek discovered bacteria by observing the plaque between his own teeth (as well as others) under a microsope and are known as animal cules which are protozoans

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Mary and Louis Leakey found Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania by chance in 1931 while on an archaeological expedition. They were searching for stone tools and evidence of early humans when they stumbled upon the site, which later became famous for its rich fossil record of human evolution.

In which substance did Antonie Phillips Van Leeuwenhoek discover bacteria?

In 1676 Van Leeuwenhoek found bacteria while viewing scrapings from human teeth, including his own. He called the bacteria that he saw in his microscope "animalcules".