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Avery 1944 and his coworkers.

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Q: Who discovered that traits could be transferred between bacteria?
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What ways can traits be transferred?


Genetic engineers can only transfer traits that are also transferred through natural means between different organisms?


What are customized bacteria?

tha bacteria resulted from bioengineering having desired traits. The traits are to be introduced using genomics tools.

Do bacteria siblings have variable traits?

yes because they get their traits form their parents.

What species show individual traits?


What are bacteria's cell traits?


Who discovered that traits were inherited?

Gregor Mendel

What best describes the result of Mendel's work with pea plants?

He showed how traits are passed between generations

What is a characteristics of most bacteria?

A characteristic of most bacteria is having cell walls which are rigid. There are different species of bacteria which have varied traits.

Gregor Mendel's plant exiperimentswhat did he prove?

he discovered the princaples of inheritance. Plants inherait traits ... and do not blend traits.

What are some common traits of bacteria and archaea?

There are two traits that archaeans and bacteria share. These are the presence of a plasma membrane and the lack of a nuclear envelope.

Can temperament of a sire be transferred to a foal?

Yes, some temperament traits are genetic and can be passed from sire to foal.