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Many people guessed that viruses existed but Helmut Ruska first imaged virus particles - using beams of electrons deflected off virus particles coated in heavy metal atoms. From 1938 through the early 1940s, he imaged virions using an electron microscope.

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Q: Who discovered that virus are smaller than bacteria?
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Is bacteria bigger than a virus?

No, a virus is much smaller than bacteria.

Is virus are much smaller then bacteria?

Yes, viruses are smaller than bacteria.

What is bigger HIV virus or the pneumonia bacteria?

Viruses are always smaller than bacteria.

Is a virus bigger or smaller than bacteria?

Bacteria and viruses can breed. i.e. When bacteria breeds, they form large colonies visible to the naked eye When viruses breed, they become more deadly or mutate but are still virtually invisible to the naked eye.

Is bacteria bigger than viruses?

yes a virus is way smaller

Are viruses are much smaller than bacteria true or false?

Yes, The largest virus is smaller then the smallest bacteria.

Is a virus smaller than a flea?

Yes they only get as large as the smallest bacteria.

Are bacteria smaller than a virus?

Viruses are non-living entities that show characteristics of living beings inside another living cell. Viruses consist of genetic material surrounded by protein coat. They lack organelles or membranes. Thus, they are very much smaller than bacterial cells which have membranes, and sometimes even organelles. In fact, many viruses inhabit bacterial cells. They are called bacteriophages. The smallest bacteria are in the order of .3 micrometers, while the largest viruses are in the order of 400 nanometers. A virus is smaller than bacteria A virus is smaller than bacteria

Why were virus discovered later than other microorganisms?

They're MUCH smaller.

What is smalller a virus amoeba or bacteria?

A virus is many times smaller than either an amoeba or a bacteria. Perhaps thousands would fit into a bacterial cell.

Is a eukaryote smaller than a virus?

no virus is smaller than virus.

What is smaller bacteria fungi or viruses?

Fungi are biggest as they have much longer cell structures than both bacteria and viruses. Bacteria are 2nd largest and viruses smallest.