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Need tax services? We’re here to help you | 📞(888) 655 -4145

▶IRS audit defense – defends you when the IRS examines the accuracy of your tax return

▶Wage garnishment resolution – resolves a situation in which the government takes a portion of your paycheck to satisfy your tax debt

▶Lien/Levy removal – prevents the seizure of property by the government

▶Offer-In-Compromise (OIC) – settlement for less than the amount owed due to disputed amount of tax debt or inability to pay the full amount and assets won’t cover the difference

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Call 855-807-1484 to consolidate your IRS tax debt now.

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Q: Who do I call for free IRS tax debt relief?
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Is there a IRS debt relief program?

Yes there is a IRS debt relief program. It has been around since 2007. For you to qualify you need to owe the IRS at least 20,000$ in taxes. But there is some exceptions to that rule.

Where exactly can I find IRS relief?

You can first try contacting the IRS at and if need be you can contact a company that works with the IRS to settle your debt. You can the Better Business Bureau in your area to ask for a list of companies that handle debt relief.

Who would you talk to for IRS debt relief?

You will probably want to call a Law Firm Office instead of going directly to the IRS. If you do it that way, you provide a "middle man" who will use the legal termonology to get you out of debt. If you communicate directly with the IRS, they might find loopholes to charge you more.

What are some ways to get IRS relief?

There are a few ways to get IRS relief. A person can contact lawyers that specialize in Tax problems. A few that can be found online are National Tax Debt website and Tax-Tiger website.

Where can one find IRS debt relief advice?

You can contact a tax attorney or the Internal Revenue Service directly about obtaining relief from a tax lien or levy. Your public library will have information and publications about how an individual can request the forms from the government.

Are IRS Tax Relief companies really able to reduce my tax debt?

IRS Tax Relief programs are not guaranteed to lower your tax debt. In most cases, they bother the IRS enough that they'll lower monthly payments or slightly reduce what you owe. However, these programs cost money which might worsen your ability to pay the IRS. A monthly payment plan to the IRS and having a CPA look over your taxes is the best option.

Is it possible to get IRS Relief of debt owed over $10,000?

Unfortunately, no. But what you can do is work with the IRS and set up a payment plan. If you are open and honest with the IRS, they will not hesitate to help you out. As long as you make it clear you want to pay your debt and do right by everyone involved, they'll help you out.

Where can one find more information on the American relief tax?

A person may find more information on Tax Relief through the IRS's official website, by reading the IRS's 'Publication 4681'. Through the IRS website, you will find detailed information on Debt procedures, and what to do if you are facing foreclosure.

What companies can help one to settle IRS debt?

Community Tax Relief can help a person settle an IRS debt. They offer flat rate payments and 0% interest payment plan options. All of their negotiators are tax attorneys.

Do I need an attorney to get some relief from my tax debt or would it be better to contact the IRS myself?

I would start by contacting the IRS and setting up a meeting with a Tax Advocate. If you do not find relief you were hoping for, it may be in your best interest to contact a qualified tax attorney that has experience dealing with the IRS.

What are the problems of an IRS offer in compromise?

The IRS is often painted in a bad light for taking a firm stand on tax evasion. However, the body, in most cases, is willing to work with taxpayers and has various IRS debt relief programs in place. Offer in Compromise is one of IRS' most popular tax settlement methods. Eligible taxpayers can settle their outstanding at a lesser amount than what they owe to the IRS in back taxes and interests. Visit this page:

How do i resolve tax debt with the IRS?

Resolving tax debt with the IRS can be a very exhausting process, which is why if you live in New York, it may be best to seek the advice and counsel of NY tax attorney Joseph Y. Balisok. Mr. Balisok has experience in tax debt relief, payment arrangements, and levies. For more information on how to deal with the IRS, visit Generally, the only way to settle a tax debt is to pay it off. Of course you can submit a lump-sum payment; but you can also apply for an installment agreement with IRS, which allows you make monthly payment for your tax liability. IRS also has a partial payment installment agreement, which combines a traditional installment agreement with an offer in compromise (OIC). You can call IRS or hire a tax professional to decide what is your best interest to settle a tax debt. Check related link for more information