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you step up to him and say..................... do you like me or not? wait for him to tell........................if he says no what do you do i will tell you take the keyboard and smile at him and say A<>lo6 and hit him. that's all.

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Q: Who do I choose from a guy who I work with and is an amazing friend to me and someone who I can share everything with or the man of my dreams who makes my heart beat faster but cant seem to get?
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Do people choose to have dreams at night?

People do not choose to have dreams at night, since it happens when people are already asleep.

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Amazing Vacation Homes - 2004 Nautical Dreams 1-6 was released on: USA: 27 September 2004

What does it mean if one always has amazing colorful dreams?

Someone think people who always dream in color are more talent in art, but others think those people are slightly schizophrenic.

What does it mean when someone says you are everything I never knew I was looking for?

It means you are beyond his/her dreams. She dreamed of someone and you are not only everything she wanted, but also you have extra good stuff that makes her happy. Things like she thought it was not possible or she never imagined that such things could happen.

Why can't I kill someone in my dream?

We cannot control our dreams, and therefore have no control over whether or not we can 'kill' someone in our dreams.

How do you wish someone 'Sweet dreams' in French?

If you want to tell someone "sweet dreams," you can say "fais de beaux r&ecirc;ves."

What does it mean if someone that doesn't know you but knows your bf dreams that you are pregnant and then getting a dream that you are pregnant a few weeks after?

Dreams can mean everything or nothing, they are less controlled than some people would like to think. Your dream possibly means that you are desparate for a baby.

Why do you keep have a dream about someone everynight what does this mean?

Your dreams reflect your own thoughts and feelings. If you have a crush on this someone and think a lot about them, it is natural for them to appear in your dreams. Your dreams can only originate from your own mind. These dreams do NOT mean that this person is thinking or dreaming about you.

When do you tell someone sweet dreams?

The term, "Sweet Dreams" is used when somebody is going to bed. You are telling them to have good dreams while they sleep. This is usually said to someone close or related to the speaker.

What is Dreams bed retailer 's motto?

Dreams - bed retailer -'s motto is 'everything for a great night's sleep'.

Why did Honda choose their slogan as the power of dreams?

The Power of Dreams, Honda&rsquo;s global brand slogan, expresses Honda&rsquo;s ambition to realize and inspire extraordinary dreams through innovations

What should someone do if they can't sleep?

If someone is not able to sleep, they should go watch television for a short amount of time and be off to bed later on. If it has to do something with dreams, take deep breathes and forgot about everything your thinking about, and get in a comfortable position.