

Who do hippos hunt with?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Rifle 30-6 hunting for hippos

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How Hippos hunt?

Hippos are herbavours, they don't hunt, and if they did I'd suspect that they would lay in wait in the water like crocodiles

Why are hippos hunted?

Hippos are hunted mainly for their teeth, known as hippo ivory.

How did the egyptians hunt hippos?

they used spears and swords

Why are hippos endangered?

hippos are endangered because people hunt them for their teeth and skin, also because of their Pouchers Usually hunt them. that's probually why.

What is a hippos prey and predateor?

Hippos don't hunt other animals. They are herbivores. Only very large crocodiles can kill adult hippos. Lion prides take on injured, old, or sick adult hippos. Young hippos are prey for lions and crocodiles.

Why did ancient Egyptians hunt hippos?

I think to please the gods To keep the hippos from eating the crops too

What are the hippo's predators?

Very large nile crocodiles can take down adult hippos. Prides of lions will hunt for the injured or old hippos.

Who are the hippos hunters?

People that live in the regions that possess the hippopotamus will sometimes hunt it.

What are hippos predators?

Adult hippos do not have any natural predators. But young ones are usually killed by Nile crocodiles, lions and hyenas.

What were Bone Harpoons used in the early stone age?

In the Sahara. used to hunt giant catfish, hippos, crocidile

Can hippos kill lions?

yes, but it usually takes the skill of the whole pride including the strength of the males & usually only if there are weak isolated individuals. Lions thus rarely hunt hippos

Is the hippopotamus carnivores?

Hippos are not normally carnivorous. They mostly eat plants, and by and large act as herbivores. Hippos are omnivorous though, and can become opportunistic predators. In times of drought, Hippos have been known to scavenge dead animals, hunt and kill animals to eat, and even have had bouts of cannibalism.