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Q: Who do oxidation and hydrolysis have in common in relation to the weathering process?
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What chemical weathering process is caused by oxygen and water acting on iron?

The process is called rusting.

What are three causes of chemical weathering?

Chemical weathering is the dissolution, carbonation, oxidation, or hydrolysis of rock and mineral by chemical means only, mostly from reactions with water or the acids contained in rainwater.Other materials are formed in the process. Warm, tropical climates are ideal environments for chemical weathering to take place as the chemical reactions are quickened by the bountiful rain and warm temperatures. Water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, living organisms, and acid precipitation.

What is the chemical weathering process called when granite turns into clay?

This is known as hydrolysis. For further information, please see the related link.

Is oxidation of iron an important chemical weathering process for ferromagnesian silicate minerals like olivine and biotite?


What is The Process of rock break down as a result of chemical reactions?

It's called "chemical weathering" - there may be qualifiers that describe specific forms within that such as hydrolysis.

Is hydrolysis a mechanical or chemical?

Hydrolysis is a chemical process.

What is the process bywhich rocks break down as a result of chemical reactions?

It's called "chemical weathering" - there may be qualifiers that describe specific forms within that such as hydrolysis.

What type of chemical reaction occurs when polymers are broken apart by water?

Hydrolysis. Polymers are broken down into monomers in a process known as hydrolysis

Uluru's weathering process?

THE WEATHERING PROCESS ......................... WHO KNOWS???

Are Carbohydrates are converted to energy by the process of hydrolysis?

Hydrolysis is the decomposition using water. Yes carbohydrates are converted to energy by the process of hydrolysis. Polysaccharides are complex sugars.

What is the process of rock breaking apart?

It is the process of weathering.