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Someone who is hated because they are mean would be the devil. All other people should be loved, even if from a distance, because that's what The Bible says to do.

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Q: Who do you hate that is just freaken mean?
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humans, animals, mammals is all the same. we evolved from apes. i hate that fact...stupid scientists why didnt they just keep that fact to themselves u freaken animals

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No, they might just be trying to be funny,or just goofing off. It doesn't mean that they hate you.

What does 'freaken' mean?

It's a polite substitute for a bad profanity word that begins with the same letter.

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No it does not name it. I mean why would it? Why would a freaken tiger name its cub really?

What does it mean when a guy says I was just messing with you I don't hate you It's just so easy to be mean to you?

It probably means just what it says. He was joking and he believes it is easy to be mean to you, but he does not hate you. This might be due to flaws in his personality or the way you react when he is mean to you.

What if a guy is mean to you What is that mean?

It means they like you OR it means that they just hate you. :) NO OFFENCE!

What rhymes with freaken?


How do you get people not to hate you?

ask them why they hate you if its just cause your mean you should just start acting nice if its something else then there's nothing to do that i know of

Why do you hate dogs?

they don't if they hate you it means you are mean to them or you just picked the wrong dog

You hate one of your teachers what should you do?

if she is mean and oyou dont just hate her complain to a nice teacher that likes you and she will probaly do something about it