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Q: Who do you think victor Frankenstein will miss most while he is in Germany?
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What happens to victor Frankenstein physically while make his creation?

Victor Frankenstein's life story is at the heart of Frankenstein. He learns about modern science & masters all that his professors have to teach him. He becomes fascinated with the "secret of life," discovers it, and brings a hideous monster to life.

Who dies in Frankenstein?

Frankenstein's mother, William, Justine, Henry Clerval, Elizabeth, Frankenstein's father, Frankenstein, the monster

How do the roles of Frankenstein and the monster reverse in the final chapters of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein?

In the final chapters of Frankenstein, the roles of Victor Frankenstein and the monster reverse as Victor becomes consumed by revenge and self-destruction while the monster seeks redemption and understanding from his creator. The monster's eloquence and self-awareness contrast with Victor's descent into madness, highlighting the moral and emotional complexities of their characters. Ultimately, the monster's desire for connection and reconciliation emerges as Victor's vengeful obsessions lead to their tragic fates.

Where is the Frankenstein letter writer located?

No, Robert Walton was writing the letters to his sister, Margret. In the fourth letter, he was telling her about Victor, who later tells Robert his story. Victor created the Frankenstein monster.

What are the differences between victor and Walton?

Victor Frankenstein is a scientist who creates a monster through his experiments, while Robert Walton is an explorer seeking knowledge and discovery in the Arctic. Victor's pursuit of knowledge leads to his downfall, while Walton's ambition is tempered by his compassion for his crew. Both characters share a thirst for discovery and knowledge but exhibit different reactions to the consequences of their pursuits.

What is the emotions that are shown between victor frankinstien and the monster?

Victor Frankenstein shows fear, regret, and guilt towards the monster, while the monster experiences loneliness, anger, and a desire for revenge towards Victor. Their relationship is complex and marked by a mix of negative emotions such as betrayal and resentment.

What are the settings of Frankenstein?

The frame story of Victor Frankenstein telling his tale to Captain Robert Walton takes place on a ship sailing in the Arctic. Victor created the monster in Ingolstadt, a city in Bavaria, Germany. He then is pursued by his creation in Switzerland.

What failures has victor Frankenstein experienced while trying to do what no other man has done?

Failure #1: thinking that a long dead brain would be fully functional and able to interact with normal people

How does Satan in Paradise Lost relate to the monster in Frankenstein?

Both characters are depicted as outcasts and rebels against their creator. Satan in Paradise Lost rebels against God and is cast out of heaven, while the monster in Frankenstein rebels against Victor Frankenstein and is rejected by society. Both characters experience feelings of isolation and seek revenge against those who wronged them.

How is the death of Frankenstein's mother ironic?

The death of Frankenstein's mother is ironic because Victor created life by bringing the Creature to life, but he ultimately caused his own mother's death by creating the Creature. This irony lies in how Victor's pursuit of creating life led to the loss of life that was so dear to him.

Was Frankenstein disenfranchised?

Victor Frankenstein is estranged from society while he pursues to create life from dead. He stops having contact with the outside world, loses touch with his family and friends, and his health decreases as he is engrossed in the task to attain this knowledge. This explains how the creator is a disenfranchised man, since he is detached from society.

How does the monster kill Henry clerval?

The monster strangles Henry Clerval near a Scottish town while Victor is momentarily away. Henry's body is found by a townsman, leading to Victor being falsely accused of the murder.