

Who does Macbeth suggest may have murdered Duncan?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Duncan's two guards.

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Q: Who does Macbeth suggest may have murdered Duncan?
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Who discovers duncan has been murdered?

Duncan was the King of England, and was the lover of Macbeth. He was murdered, because in order for Macbeth to fulfill his plan and become king, Duncan would have to die. Duncan's fatal flaw was that he was too trusting. For example, he thought that none of his friends could really be enemies. If Duncan was more careful about his safety at Macbeth's castle, he may have had a chance to survive. But Duncan's flaw, wasn't something so horrible that he should die. Most people need to trust each other more, and just because one person did, he shouldn't have to die. Macbeth, possibly encouraged by the weakened position of Duncan, formed an alliance with their first cousin Thorfinn, earl of Orkney, Caithness and Sutherland under the King of Norway started a revolt. The rival armies met and Duncan was defeated and killed on August 1, 1040 near Elgin in Moray. There is some dispute as to the exact nature of Duncan's death, some texts say he died in battle and others say he was killed shortly after the battle by Macbeth.

Is Macbeth bewitched when he kills Duncan?

It may be argued that Macbeth is bewitched the moment he sets eyes on 'the weird sisters; on the heath. Lady Macbeth is affiliated with the witches and persuades Macbeth when he loses his 'courage' to murder Duncan and therefore lust after the power of the throne.

How do you think Macbeth would justify in Duncan's murder?

Macbeth may justify Duncan's murder by claiming it was necessary to fulfill the witches' prophecy and secure his own destiny as king. He could argue that Duncan's reign was weak and that he was a threat to Macbeth's own power and position. Macbeth may also claim that he was acting in the best interest of Scotland by removing a ruler he deemed unfit.

Who do Macbeth and lady Macbeth plan to blame for king duncans murder?

Duncan is murdered in 2.3. By 2.4, Macduff is already suspicious. He's the first one to think something may be going on at the castle--so consequently, he flees and does not stay for Macbeth's coronation. We hear this in 2.4.37-38.

Who died first Lady Macbeth or young Siward?

Lady Macbeth dies before young Siward is slain by Macbeth. Lady Macbeth may have been murdered but it is usually interpreted by most that she commits suicide.

What nationality is King Duncan and Macbeth?

Perhaps the title "King of Scotland" which they both held may give you a clue.

What does this passage reveal about Banquo and his relationship with Macbeth?

This passage reveals that Banquo is wary of Macbeth's quick rise to power and suspects that he may have obtained it through foul means. It also shows that Banquo is loyal to Duncan and values honesty and integrity, suggesting a contrast between him and Macbeth, who is willing to deceive and murder to achieve his ambitions. Overall, the passage highlights the growing tension and mistrust in Banquo's relationship with Macbeth.

What scruples bother Macbeth's conscience when he thinks about killing Duncan?

Macbeth's main scruple is his loyalty and duty to Duncan as king, as well as his gratitude for being named Thane of Cawdor and his close relationship with Duncan as his kinsman and guest. He is also troubled by the prospect of the consequences of his actions, both in terms of his own fate and the chaos it may unleash on Scotland.

Who are Macbeth and duncan?

Duncan is Macbeth's murder victim in the Shakespeare play Macbeth. Duncan is the incumbent Thane of Cawdor. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth plot to kill Duncan and take over his reign, and Macbeth stabs Duncan.

What does Macbeth's decision to have banquo and his son murdered reveal about Macbeth's character?

(Apex Learning) That he has become more comfortable with killing in order to keep his throne.

Why do Duncan's sons decide to leave Scotland in Macbeth?

Duncan's sons, Malcolm and Donalbain, fear for their safety after their father's murder and suspect that they may be the next targets. They believe that staying in Scotland would put their lives at risk, so they decide to flee to England and Ireland respectively to seek help and gather support to eventually overthrow Macbeth.

What irony does the audience feel as they watch Duncan enter the castle?

The audience may feel a sense of dramatic irony as they watch Duncan enter the castle, knowing that he is walking into a trap set by Macbeth. This creates tension and suspense as the audience is aware of the impending betrayal that Duncan is unaware of.