

Who does Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever most prey upon?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Boys! He He He kidding not the real answer sorry

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Q: Who does Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever most prey upon?
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Related questions

What bacterial pathogen causes Rocky Mountain spotted fever?

Rickettsia rickettsii is the bacteria responsible for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and is most commonly caused by a tick bite.

Where is the rocky mountain spotted fever most likely to be found?

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) can be found in any place with warm weather and/or mid-Atlantic and southeastern states.

Most common victim to prey upon in rocky mountain spotted fever?

People that are in the Rocky Mountains

What organ does rocky mountain spotted fever affect?

Rocky Mountain spotted fever is a bacterial infection transmitted by a tick. Without prompt treatment, It can cause serious damage to internal organs, such as your kidneys and heart. At first, a rash usually appears on the wrists and ankles.

Where did the rocky mountain spotted fever originate?

Rocky Mountain spotted fever is caused by infection with the organism Rickettsia rickettsii. The bacterium infects you when you come in contact with an infected tick through bites or broken skin.

How dangerous is a tick bite?

Ticks can carry a number of diseases like Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. These are serious and potentially fatal diseases, but they are uncommon in most areas.

What were the most popular diseases in 2006?

AIDS, Lyme disease, malaria, anthrax, pertussis, botulism, mumps, rabies, small pox, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and tetanus were just a few of the most popular diseases in 2006.

Are there any illnesses that flea bites can give a person?

Fleas carry a great many diseases, both viral and bacterial. Lyme Disease, typhus and Rocky Mountain spotted fever are some of the most serious and best known.

Is Lyme disease a rickettsial disease?

No, it is a spirochetal disease first recognized in Lyme, Conn. in 1975. It is the most common tick-borne illness in the USA. Typhus, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Q Fever,and Trench Fever are some examples of Rickettsial Diseases. Rickettsial disease can and are transmitted through the bite on an infected insect.

Who has the most population in rocky mountain region states?

what is the popoulation of the rocky mountains

What is the most dangerous sport on the Rocky Mountains?

Mountain biking

What most effective weapon of rocky mountain fever?

Antibiotics given by the doctor as soon as they suspect RMSF. Waiting for laboratory confirmation can put the patient at greater risk, due to the fast progress of the prokaryotic bacteria.