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Romeo disobeys his family and the capults

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Q: Who does Romeo disobey?
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What are two way young love leads you to disobey your parents in romeo and Juliet?

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How does balthasar disobey romeo?

Balthsar disobeys Romeo by not listening to Romeo's orders in Act III scene 3 when Romeo tells Balthasar to leave him alone in Capulet's vault but instead spys on Romeo to see what he is doing in the enemy's vault .

is disobey is prefix?

the "dis" in disobey is the prefix. Disobey itself is not a prefix.

What is a sentence for disobey?

She chose to disobey her teacher's instructions and faced the consequences.

Why does romeo say that he pays the apothecary's poverty and not his will?

Because the apothecary said that he would sell the poison to Romeo only because he needed the money so badly (selling poison is illegal in Mantua). Therefore, the apothecary's poverty (state/situation) is forcing him to take Romeo's offer, not because he wants to disobey the law. Romeo is paying the apothecary's need, not his want.

What is the verb for disobey?

Disobey is already a verb. This is because the word disobey portrays an action.Other verbs are disobeys, disobeying and disobeyed."I will disobey the order"."The citizens are disobeying"."The servant disobeyed and quit".

How do you use the word disobey in a sentence?

The word 'disobey' is a verb meaning to refuse or fail to follow an order or rule.The verb 'disobey' is an action of the subject of the sentence.Examples:He continues to disobey the playground rules.A dog should not disobey its owner.I will not disobey the king.

What is the Prefix for disobey?

The prefix for "disobey" is "dis-".

Is it okay to disrespect or disobey?

It's not okay to disrespect or disobey.

Which syllable in disobey is stressed?

Disobey is stressed on the third syllable.

What is the root word for disobey?

The root word for disobey is "obey."

What is the suffix word for disobey?

The suffix word for disobey is disobedience.