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there are two types of Diabetes, type one and two type one can typically affect anyone, from birth to about thirty/fourty. It occurs because the pancreas is attacked by the immune system (just the insulin making part) and the immune system kills those cells. Once dead, the cells can't produce any insulen (except in the honeymoon fase, ask your doctor about that). type two typically affects older people. this is when the pacreas produces less insulin, but this type can also be found in obese people, with unhealthy diets. It is also linked ginetically.

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Diabetes can have many negative affects on the body. One of the most common complications due to diabetes is blindness. This is a condition known as diabetic retinopathy and is due to excessive blood sugar that causes small hemorrhages to form in the tiny blood vessels in the retina (back of the eye.) Another complication is peripheral neuropathy, which is when the small nerves in the extremities (usually feet) are unable to detect sensations. The blood vessels in the feet can also become clogged, which causes the toes and feet to turn black and usually amputated. This usually occurs after many years of uncontrolled blood sugar.

Kidney failure can also be caused due to the kidneys having to work overtime to try and flush out any residual sugar. People with diabetes are also more susceptible to heart conditions and wounds not properly healing.

Low blood sugar can also be a problem. Low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, is caused when there is too much insulin in the system. You may become shaky, irritable, and possibly pass out. This is a very serious condition that comes on quickly and can be quickly corrected by eating 15-20 grams of fast acting carbohydrates like juice or sugar.

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