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Brian Scalabrine and the Senate are the head of impeachment

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The bill of impeachment charges against the President is typically drawn up by members of the House of Representatives. The House Judiciary Committee plays a key role in formulating the charges and drafting the articles of impeachment.

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Q: Who draws up the bill of impeachment charges against president?
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What serves as the prosecutors in a presidential impeachment trail?

The House of Representatives serves as a combination prosecutor/grand jury in that it both draws up the charges and votes whether to impeach the official on such charges. The House first appoints several Representatives as what are called "Managers" to draft the charges. Then the entire House votes on whether to impeach the official on the charges. If the vote is in the affirmative, the Managers handle presenting the evidence to the Senate or Senate Impeachment Committee.

What are articles of impeachment?

Articles of Impeachment are precise statement of the facts upon which an impeachment of a government official is based. In the US Constitution under Article I Section 3, for example, the President can be impeached and removed only for Treason, Bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors. The House of Representatives draws up and votes on the Articles of Impeachment stating the facts that allegedly amount to those offenses. Articles of Impeachment are likened to the counts of an indictment against a defendant in a criminal case.Note: Impeachment refers to the process. Impeachment does not mean removal. A conviction for impeachment means automatic removal from office.

What does to be impeached mean?

"Impeachment is the first step in removing an officer from office. The president, vice president, and other federal officers (as judges) may be impeached by the House of Representatives. The House draws up articles of impeachment that itemize the charges and their factual bases. The articles of impeachment, once approved by a simple majority of the House members, are then submitted to the Senate, thereby impeaching the officer. The Senate then holds a trial, at the conclusion of which each member votes for or against conviction on each article of impeachment. Two-thirds of the Senate members present must vote in favor of conviction. Once convicted, the officer can be removed from office. Although the Constitution specifies that an officer is to be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors, impeachment can also occur for misconduct that is not necessarily criminal (as violation of the Constitution). Because impeachment is the first step taken to remove an officer from office 'impeach' is often used in general contexts to refer to the removal itself, but that is not its specific legal meaning." In a non-technical sense, Impeach means to question, challenge, or to bring an accusation against.

What does impeach mean in government?

"Impeachment is the first step in removing an officer from office. The president, vice president, and other federal officers (as judges) may be impeached by the House of Representatives. The House draws up articles of impeachment that itemize the charges and their factual bases. The articles of impeachment, once approved by a simple majority of the House members, are then submitted to the Senate, thereby impeaching the officer. The Senate then holds a trial, at the conclusion of which each member votes for or against conviction on each article of impeachment. Two-thirds of the Senate members present must vote in favor of conviction. Once convicted, the officer can be removed from office. Although the Constitution specifies that an officer is to be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors, impeachment can also occur for misconduct that is not necessarily criminal (as violation of the Constitution). Because impeachment is the first step taken to remove an officer from office 'impeach' is often used in general contexts to refer to the removal itself, but that is not its specific legal meaning." In a non-technical sense, Impeach means to question, challenge, or to bring an accusation against.

What committee draws up the articles of impeachment listing the offences?

My balls on a hot sunday :D

How do presidents get impeached?

"Articles One and Two of the Constitution allow the House of Representatives to impeach high federal officials, including the president, for "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors", and give the Senate the power to remove impeached officials from office, given a two-thirds vote to convict."

Who has the power to hold impeachment trials in the US federal government?

The Senate has the sole power to hold the trial

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Heinz Fischer, the President of Austria, makes approximately $428,628 US dollars per year.

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If a piece of furniture? A few draws are usually known as a 'chest of draws.'

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They didn't play against each other.

How many ways are there to score 32 points in football?

In European Leagues, 10 wins + 2 draws 9 wins + 5 draws 8 wins + 8 draws and so on to 1 win + 29 draws 0 win + 32 draws.

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Over a 1000 lottery draws.