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Yu the great was a ruler in ancient China famus from his introduction of flood contral. He lived in the Xia dynasty.

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Q: Who dug canals to save china from floods?
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They dug canals.

How did people in the 1800 change their physical environment Indiana?

They dug canals to connect different waterways

What are unlined canals?

they are natural water ways e.g river, lakes, streams, or hand/ machine dug canals that are re-dug and bottom drugged regularly to keep them passable

Why were the ancient Egyptians not afraid of the flood?

they really didn't have to be afraid because they had irrigation( they dug basins to trap floodwater and had canals in case of droughts) They also knew when the floods were coming.

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inundated canals are long canals taken off from large rivers and it receive water when the river is high enough and especially when it is in flood .


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They dug irrigation canals to carry water from the Nile.

How people changed their physical environment in Indiana in the 1800s?

They dug canals to connect different waterways

How did the Egyptian farmers use the Nile to expand their farmland?

They dug irrigation canals to carry water from the Nile.

What is the answer to how ancient egyptians water there crops?

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Is a gray wolf homemade out of rock?

It can be, but most are dens dug into a hillside that slope upward to avoid floods.

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They dug canals that carried water from rivers to their desert homeland.