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One person in every 23 has one form of Synesthesia or another. Around 1 in 90 have grapheme → color synesthesia where letters and numbers are tinged with color.

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Q: Who else has a condition known as synesthesia?
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Condition of not feeling?

The condition of not feeling can be apathy or synesthesia.

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What is synesthesia a symptom of?

Synesthesia is not a symptom of anything, simply a harmless condition of the brain that people are born with.

What is the condition where people 'see' sounds or smells?


Is synesthesia considered a disease?

== == ---- Also if you ask almost anybody who has synesthesia they will tell you that they wouldn't want to live without it and the it is enjoyable. == == == ==

Is synesthesia a disorder or a variation of normal sensation?

Synesthesia is a condition in which one sense (for example, hearing) is simultaneously perceived as if by one or more additional senses such as sight. Another form of synesthesia joins objects such as letters, shapes, numbers or people's names with a sensory perception such as smell, color or flavor. The word synesthesia comes from two Greek words, syn (together) and aisthesis (perception). Therefore, synesthesia literally means "joined perception."It is a condition, not a disorder. (I have it)

What is the rare condition in which the stimulation of one sense evokes a sensation in another?


Why do people see colour when a sound is heard?

This can be caused by a condition known as Synesthesia. Synesthesia can cross the senses in the brain in a way that makes them connect to each other, even when they shouldn't be connected. Supposedly, the effect can also be caused by hallucinatory drugs. Many people suggest not trying this.

What are facts about synesthesia?

Synesthesia is a comparatively rare phenomena or condition that is reported to occur in 1 in every 500 to 25,000 people. Synesthesia facts suggest that this condition is found more in females as compared to males. The male is to female ratio is said to be at 5:1. The word synesthesia has its roots in Greek literature and means dual or joined senses. Synesthesia facts can tell you that synesthetes may have new approaches to sounds and colors than a normal human being. They may associate color with music and smell with images. There are many proved facts and examples of synesthesia occurrences and scientists are at present engaged to find out more about the condition and how it can be used to solve many mysteries.

Are there any careers associated with synesthesia or are there any careers to do with synesthesia?

Not especially for a synesthete (I don't think!), unless they wanted to become a scientist researching the condition which most people would be able to do.

What is synesthesia in tagalog?

Synesthesia in Tagalog is "sinesestesiya." It is a sensory phenomenon where stimulation of one sense triggers an involuntary experience in another sense.

Why my synesthesia's gone?

Synesthesia can be temporarily lost during stressful situations such as the death of a loved one. Also, sometimes head trauma can cause one to lose synesthesia. It really just depends on your situation. Chances are it'll come back, though. For example, I've known people who have lost their synesthesia when a loved one passed away, and after the intense stress and pain of that situation subsided, their synesthesia returned same as ever.