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jonathan edwards

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Q: Who else is a leader in spreading George WhiteFields ideas?
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George Whitefield was seen as one of the leaders of the movement who else is a leader in speading these ideas?

Jonathan Edwards

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Yes, they were important in spreading new ideas and knowledge.

What You are seen as one of the leaders of the movement who else is leader in spreading these ideas?

This asks for your critical thinking skills and opinion. We can't give you the answer to this question because we don't know what your teacher is looking for.

The spreading of custom and ideas is called?

cultural diffusion

What is the term for spreading of ideas from group to group?

cultural diffusion

Which person's contribution was most important in spreading the ideas of the renaissance beyond Italy?

Johann Gutenberg was the person instrumental in spreading the ideas of the Renaissance beyond Italy. He introduced printing to Europe.

Why You are seen as one of the movement who else is is a leader in spreading these ideas?

This question can't be answered. We don't know the movement and your teacher is asking you to respond to the prompt with your critical thinking skills and how well you understood the lesson.

Spreading of ideas that help a cause or hurt an opposing cause?



America's strategy against the Soviet Union based on ideas of George Kennan, and declared that the Soviet Union and communism were inherently expansionist and had to be stopped from spreading through both military and political pressure.

Was Michelangelo most responsible for spreading the ideas of the Renaissance beyond Italy?

Spreading the Renaissance ideas was not the work of one man. Leonardo da Vinci was at least as well known as Michelangelo, and Renaissance ideas also comprised literature, poetry, philosophy, etc.