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Nazi Germany.

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Q: Who else was behind the holocaust?
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Related questions

Who made the Holocaust happen?

Adolf Hitler was behind the atrocities of the Holocaust.

What political incidents were behind the Holocaust?

There were no specific incidents behind the Holocaust. For further information please see the related questions.

What did the Holocaust flag look like.?

There was no 'Holocaust flag'. I wonder if you are confusing the Holocaust with something else?

Was there any deep dark secret behind the Holocaust?

The Holocaust itself was the secret.

What is a description of the ideas behind the Holocaust?

The general idea behind the Holocaust was ethnic cleansing. Hitler hoped to create a perfect race by eliminating those who did not fit his idea of perfection.

Why did hitler kill the jewsduuringthe holocaust?

one answer is that he did not know what else to do with them.

What is the meaning behind the song the forgotten people by ted pearce?

The holocaust

What freedom do Americans have that Jews in the holocaust didnt?

Search it up somewhere else

What did Jews eat at their houses during the holocaust?

The same foods as everyone else.

Main person who started the Holocaust?

The driving force behind the Holocaust was Hitler, gleefully assisted by Himmler and the rest of the Nazi leadership.

Did Anne Frank have adiary?

Yes. Her father published it after the Holocaust ended. He was the only person from the Frank family that survived the Holocaust. Everyone else died.

Who is Nelly Toll?

Dr Toll is a Holocaust survivor and the author of Behind the Secret Window.