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Abraham Maslow, a psychologist who developed the hierarchy of needs theory, emphasized that people with unmet needs for safety will not be preoccupied with satisfying their needs for self-esteem. This is based on his belief that individuals must address lower-level needs first before they can move on to higher-level needs.

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Q: Who emphasized that people with unmet needs for safety will not be preoccupied with satisfying their needs for self-esteem?
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Im learning about confidence and self esteem of young people. Im Japanese and live in Japan now. What kind of policy for young people's confidence and selfesteem does your country have?

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The growth potential of healthy people was emphasized by?

The growth potential of healthy people was emphasized by Abraham Maslow in his hierarchy of needs theory. Maslow posited that once lower-level physiological and safety needs are met, individuals can strive towards self-actualization and reaching their full potential.

Why do I find dirt or gravel shifting under moving CG objects satisfying?

The sensation of dirt or gravel shifting under moving objects can provide a tactile feedback that is satisfying to some individuals, as it engages multiple senses simultaneously. The combination of visual cues of movement along with the physical sensation underfoot can create a unique and pleasurable experience for some people. Additionally, the sense of control over the shifting materials may also contribute to the satisfying feeling.

Which theorist emphasized tha an individual personal growth is promoted by interaction with others who are genuine accepting and empa?

Carl Rogers emphasized that an individual's personal growth is promoted by interaction with others who are genuine, accepting, and empathetic. He believed that a supportive and non-judgmental environment, where people feel understood and valued, is essential for personal development.

What did confusicious think people were essentialy?

Confucius believed that people were essentially good, but could be led astray by negative influences and lack of proper guidance. He emphasized the importance of moral cultivation and ethical behavior to bring out the inherent goodness in individuals.

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