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Q: Who established the rule in Jamestown colony that you don't work you don't eat?
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Did the Jamestown colony have a self-government no government rule by a president or rule by a dictator?


How long was the us a British colony?

The U.S. was a British colony for about 169 years. The first successful colony was Jamestown, in Virginia, established in 1607, and the other thirteen original colonies placed under British rule in years after until 1776 when the Declaration of Independence was signed.

What type of government establish Jamestown?

When it was established in 1607 it was a military style of organization. The 104 men were sent by investors to make them money on the investment of sending them to VA. This was not suppose to develop into a colony. The men established the fort in an Native American empire of 14,000 and built on the worse land in the area. Within six months only 34 men were still alive. It wasn't until the introduction of tobacco by Rolfe that the colony became a viable growing town.

Which town had ideas of self rule and no taxation without representation during the colony period Roanoke Jamestown Raleigh or Mexico?


Blank established a self-governing colony based on the majority rule of male church members?

The Mayflower Compact.

How were the Jamestown settlement and Plymouth different?

The difference between the Jamestown government and the Plymouth was that the Jamestown weren't so friendly with the Indians, the men didn't work, disease was spreading among them, and the water they drank was impure. Also they only came with men to Jamestown and then after John Smith came to govern, that's when the ladies finally came and they established a colony.

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During the Philippine-American War, Filipino resistance to American rule of the former Spanish colony ______________.

Why were the Mayfolwer compact and the house of burgesses important to the development of democracy in colonial America?

The Mayflower Compact established the principle of majority rule when making decisions for the colony of a civic nature. The House of Burgesses was the first representative body in the New World. It established the idea of an elected assembly to help enact laws for the colony (legislature).

A structured established rule by authority?

A structured, established rule by some 'authority' is likely a state.

First form of self government in the colonies that established the conncept of the majority rule.?

The first form of self-government in the colonies that established the concept of majority rule was the Mayflower Compact. It was signed by the Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower in 1620, before they landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The Compact established a government based on the consent of the governed and allowed the majority to make decisions for the welfare of the colony.

What were the Jamestown rules 1610- 1614?

the rule of Jamestown was made by john smith. he made one rule."you don't work you don't eat"that made all of his men who were lazy, work.

What was Sir George Yeardley sent to do in Jamestown?

to end the military rule.