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Archimedes of Syracuse

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Q: Who figured out the value of pi that is used to measure the area of circles?
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Related questions

Why do mathematician chose to measure area in squares instead of in rectangletriangles or circles?

For the same reason they chose to measure volume in cubic units

Why do mathematicians chose to measure area in squares instead of in rectangles or triangles or circles?

Because they (IMO) have the simplest area to find, to just square side. Triangles are half of a square Rectangles are uneven. Circles are rounded, and hard to find the area of. Plus, a square has 2 equal dimensions, so think 2D.

Why do we use pi's value to calculate a circle's area?

Pi is an experimentally found value that always works for circles, so we use it. Mathematical pi is not pie. it is a Greek letter pi.

Do concentric circles have the same area?

Concentric circles have the same center. They are not necessarily the same size. If two concentric circles have the same area, then they are congruent, meaning they coincide when superimposed.

Can a circles area be a fraction?

yes it can

How do you find value in a triangle?

It depends on what value you require: th length of a side, a measure of an angle, the area. And it also depends on what information you do have.

Area of triangular prism?

25 centimeters is the area lol haha I figured this out

What facts are there about the area of a circle?

The derivative of a circles area is it's circumference.

Is it possible for 2 circles to have the same area but not the same diameter?

No. Area of a circle (A) is given by the formula A=(3.14128)*(d/2)2. Modifying the equation, you get: d= square root of (4A/3.14128) where d is directly proportional to the value of A and vice versa. Since there are no other variables in the equation, it's not possible for two circles to have same area but different diameter.

What is the formula for finding the surface area using 3.14 for a rectangle?

The formula for finding the surface area of a rectangle is length x width. 3.14 is the value for pi and is used for circles, cylinders, and spheres and has nothing to do with rectangles.

How can pi be used?

Pi (3.141...) is used for circles, and circles only. You use it to find the area and circumfrence.

What is the answer to finding the area of 4 semi-circles with the diameter of 10 centimeters?
