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Q: Who first performed accurate measurements of the orbit of mars?
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Which astronomer is credited as the first to theorize the planets orbit around the Sun?

Copernicus produced the first heliocentric theory in 1543. It used circles and epicycles, like the ancient Ptolemaic theory that had the Earth at the centre. Later after accurate measurements by Tycho, Kepler discovered that a better model for a planet's orbit would be an ellipse with the Sun at one focus. His theory came out in 1609. No-one knew which of the theories was right except that Kepler's was a little more accurate. But in the late 1600s Newton came up with discoveries that confirmed that Kepler's theory was consistent with new physical theories. This is the model used now.

Does gravity have an effect on satellites in orbit?

Yes; gravity keeps them in orbit in the first place.Yes; gravity keeps them in orbit in the first place.Yes; gravity keeps them in orbit in the first place.Yes; gravity keeps them in orbit in the first place.

What is the duration of First Orbit?

The duration of First Orbit is 1.75 hours.

When was First Orbit created?

First Orbit was created on 2011-04-12.

What john Glenn was first to do?

John Glenn was the first American to orbit the earth.

Who was the scientist first that stated that the paths of planets are ellipses instead of circles?

It was Johannes Kepler at the start of the 17th century. He studied new observations done by Tycho Brahe and after many months doing calculations from the measurements of the path of Mars he concluded that an ellipse was the best way to describe the orbit because it gives predictions that are the closest to the real thing. Why did it take so long when they had been studying this for 1500 years? it was because the previous model, based on circles and epicycles, gave results that were accurate enough until Tycho Brahe's more accurate observations showed that something was not quite right. Luckily for Kepler, the orbit of Mars has more eccentricity than the other major planets and this was the right orbit to study if he was going to reach a result.

First animal launched into Orbit?

The first Animal launched into Orbit was a dog named Laika.

Which Apollo mission was the first to orbit the moon?

Apollo 8 was the first spacecraft to orbit the moon.

Who was the first Soviet man to orbit the earth?

Yuri Gagarin, who was not only the first Russian but the first human to orbit the earth.

Why the distance between the earth and the moon is usually given as an average?

Think of it this way:Unless you are traveling to the moon or making scientifically important measurements an average gives you an accurate way to think about this.Understanding that the moon is in an orbit that changes in distance from the Earth is important to understand but again unless you are scientist or Astronaut not a critical thing.

What is the first space shuttle sent into orbit?

Columbia was the first shuttle in to orbit on April 13, 1981

Who was the first human to orbit the earth?

The first person to orbit the Earth was the Soviet cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin.