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Q: Who first proposed the modern idea of elements and compounds?
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Which scientist proposed that elements consisted of atoms were identical and had the same mass and that compounds were atoms from different elements combined together?

John Dalton first proposed this. Today, it's called Dalton's atomic theory.

Do the first eighteen elements of the periodic table combine with other elements and each other to form compounds?


What are the names of the first ten compound elements?

There are elemental compounds, but there is no such thing as a compound element.

When was Daylight Saving Time born?

Modern DST was first proposed in 1895 by George Vernon Hudson.

What scientist first proposed that the sun is the center of the universe?

Copernicus (1473-1543) founder of modern astronomy.

What was Mendeleevs proposal?

Dmitri Mendeleev was a Russian chemist who proposed the Periodic Law. He published the first periodic table of the chemical elements in 1869, based on the increasing atomic masses of the different elements.

Who is known as the father of modern chemistry because he first organized all known elements into four different groups?

You think probable to Lavoisier, a French chemist; but the organization of chemical elements in four triads is from Johann Wolfgang Dobereiner. The classification of Lavoisier is totally different including also compounds and physical phenomena.

Who created the first version of the modern periodic table of elements and used it to predict undiscovered elements?

Dmitri Mendeleev

What are two elements combined to form a compound?

The first element is H20 and the second is 02 when these 2 compounds mix they form water

Can you find all naturally occurring compounds on a periodic table?

Periodic table lists elements and not compounds. Out of the first 92 elements, 1 being hydrogen (H) and 92 being uranium (U), there are 90 that are naturally occurring. Technetium (Tc) and promethium (Pm) are man-made elements and do not have any isotopes occurring naturally.

Why might the periodic table be helpful in thinking about what elements can combine to form compounds?

For example the elements from the first two groups are easily combined with halogens; or noble gases are very unreactive, etc.

Who was the first to aeronautically identify the basic form and elements of a modern airplane?

The Wright Brothers in 1903