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The boy with the mulberry birthmark on his face. He talks of a "beastie" which becomes the thing of the littl'uns nightnares. After this, however, the mulberry boy is killed in the accidental fire.

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The first mention of the beast in "Lord of the Flies" comes from a littlun who describes a 'beastie' living in the forest. This notion of a beast becomes a recurring theme throughout the novel as the boys grapple with their fears and the idea of a supernatural creature on the island.

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Q: Who first speaks of the beast in the Lord of the flies?
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In "Lord of the Flies," the character Simon is the one who converses with the pig's head, also known as the Lord of the Flies. The pig's head symbolizes the evil inherent in all human beings and speaks to Simon's inner fears and thoughts about the nature of the beast.

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The beast has several names already in the book Lord of the Flies. It is initially referred to as a snake-thing or beastie. Later during his internalised conversation the beast is named as the Lord of the Flies. Finally the real nature of the beast is revealed as the darkness in the hearts of men.

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Percival Wemys Madison (one of the littluns) first says the beast comes from the water.

What does Lord of the Flies symbolize?

There are many different symbolic images inThe Lord of the Flies, but the Lord of the Flies is a symbol himself. Towards the end of the novel when the Lord of the Flies speaks to Simon, is when his true symbolism comes out; the Lord becomes an indication of any type of beast and also a symbol of the power of evil. You could even take this answer as far as saying the Lord of the Flies symbolizes the devil whereas throughout the story, Simon portrays Jesus Christ (Biblical parallelism).Beelzebub, or a satanic/demonic representaion

In lord of the flies who or what is the lord of the flies?

The lord of the flies is the head of the pig that Jack and his 'tribe' killed, they left it on a stake as an offering to the beast (ie)

In Lord of the Flies who was mistaken for the beast?

Simon was mistaken for the beast in "Lord of the Flies". He was killed by the other boys during a frenzied tribal dance on the beach.

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How do you know if there is a beast from lord of the flies?

By reading the book

Who is described as lord?

Lord Of The Flies, it is the head of the pig offered as a sacrifice to the beast.