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Q: Who first used RR Lyrae variable stars to determine distances in your milky way?
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How do you determine which variable goes on the x axis on a line graph?

You can determine which variable that goes on the x axis on a line graph by checking the number that comes first in a set of pair or from table, e.g [2,4]. 2 will be on the x axis because it is the first number in the pair

How do you determine if three points are a right angle?

First join the points and find their respective distances and then just use the Pythagoras Theorem

How do you find the volume and density if only the mass was given?

You cannot. You can determine the third variable if two are given but not determine two when given only one. You have to find some other way to first determine volume or density.

Is the highest Either variable first?

The high is power of either variable is the first

Why are there two regression lines?

There are two regression lines if there are two variables - one line for the regression of the first variable on the second and another line for the regression of the second variable on the first. If there are n variables you can have n*(n-1) regression lines. With the least squares method, the first of two line focuses on the vertical distance between the points and the regression line whereas the second focuses on the horizontal distances.

How can you determine the type of solution from observing an equation?

you first look at the varaibles and their power if there is more than one variable then you will have how ever many variables there are that's how many separate answers there will be also, if you have a number to the power or 2 then there will be two answers for that ONE variable... if you have a number to the power of 8 then you will have eight answers for the one variable.

What comes first independent or dependent variable?

Independent variable

What variable goes first in the title of a line graph for science?

The dependent variable goes first.

What is the independente variable?

Independent variable(manipulated variable) is a variable that is changed delibertly by the experimentor. *most of the time the first part of a projects question is the independent variable.

Does the independents variable or the dependent variable come first in a hypothesis?


How does your equipment determine your level of precision?

Any equipment has some method of displaying the measurement of some variable (or variables). The equipment can determine your precision in two ways. The first is on its calibration: how large its "zero error" is. The second is in the precision of the display used to provide the measurement.

Why is the output value called the dependent variable?

because it can change according to the independent variable. this dependent variable depends on the independent variable for its output. the independent variable is not affected by the dependent variable because the independent variable if found out first.