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It was Galileo. He first thought thet the earth was revolving around the sun, but others didn't believe him because they thought that God created the world as the center. He made a telescope and proved to everyone that the solar system is following the geometrical system, the Earth revolving around the Sun.

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Q: Who first used the telescope to examine the universe?
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Note that Galileo did not invent the telescope. He was, however, the first person to use a telescope to examine the heavens. Previously, telescopes had only been used to look at distant locations here on Earth.

Who was the 1st person to examine space through a telescope?

Galileo was the first person to use a telescope for technological uses.

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Galileo used and made the first telescope.

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Galileo first used a telescope to observe the sky.

How did first telescope come about?

Galileo built the first telescope in 350BC. He used it to survey the night sky.

Who used telescope first?

The first telescope was used by Galileo Galilei (first used in 1609) to see the faraway planets and stars of the galaxy.

Who used the early telescope?

Galileo was the first person to use a telescope for astronomical research.

What year did Galileo galilei introduce the first telescope to astronomy?

Galileo Galilei first used the "new" telescope in 1609