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Elder Jew

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Q: Who fixed Bruno's knee after he feel from the swing on The Boy in the Striped Pajamas?
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What happens in chapter 7 of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas?

He made himself a swing made out of tire.he fall off the swing and hurt himself.

What happened in chapter 7 in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas?

He made himself a swing made out of tire.he fall off the swing and hurt himself.

What happens during chapter 7 of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas?

He made himself a swing made out of tire.he fall off the swing and hurt himself.

What happened when Bruno fell of the swing the boy in striped pajamas?

He scrapped his knee and the elder Jew (who was also a person in the concentration camp) helped the young boy.

What is a summary for chapter 7 of The boy in the striped pajamas?

Lieutenant Kotler and Gretel talk. Pavel makes a swing and Bruno falls off. Pavel cleans the cut and the mum says thank you.

What is the name of a movie about German kids during World War II who were against Hitler?

I think it was called Swing Club. the members were reluctant anti-war Hitler Youths who formed a social club of their own, based on Non-German dance music hence the Swing Club. Don"t let the title fool you, was no romp or hoe-down, rather heavy stuff.

What is a mass hung from a fixed point so that it can swing freely?

a pendulum

Need cushions and canopy for walmart home trends 2 seater with center console swing striped green fabric?

I need a canopy for a Garden Trend 2 seater swing

What is centrifuge swing-out rotor?

A Centrifuge Swing-out Rotor is a part of a centrifuge which attaches to the motor and holds the sample tubes. A swing-out, as opposed to a Fixed Angle rotor, has holders that move from vertical to horizontal as the centrifuge speeds up.

What kind of motion is swinging back and forth on a swing?

Swinging back and forth on a swing involves periodic motion, specifically oscillatory motion. The motion repeats in a regular pattern as the swing moves back and forth around a fixed point.

In boy in the striped pajamas what was the occupation of Pavel?

Pavel was a waiter, he was taken from his home in Poland and forced to serve Bruno and his family. while in Poland he was a Sergent and now he is a servant :( how sad ): . Sergent : is a kind of doctor who can mend cuts and do surgery if needed like when Bruno cut his leg after falling off the tire swing . servant : is a slave usually black or Jewish they have been forced out of their homes and now are working as slaves.

What is swing in musical terms?

In the most common senses of the word, to swing, or a swing, or swing, is to move backwards and forwards from a fixed position, the manner in which something is swung, a dance style, or a hanging seat in a children's playground.