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St. Patrick is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland.

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Q: Who founded the Irish Church And helped convert the Irish to Christianity?
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Hersey is the belief that contradicts basic church teachings! Hope I helped

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Christ's church was founded in Jerusalem. The account is found in Acts was acually later turned into christianty but his original idea was to reform the Jewish religion sort of like the reformation but with JudiasmChristianity began in Israel in the city of Bethlehem.Hope that helped,(:

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Who helped set up a Christian church in Rome after the death of Jesus?

There were many people who might be considered leaders who helped set up the early Christian church. Jesus was the person who actually founded the church, but describing him as having "helped set it up" seems an inaccurate description. In my opinion, a good candidate for that role would be Paul, who not only made great strides in setting out the theology of the early church, but also was the first official missionary to the Gentiles and helped to spread Christianity as far as Rome, among other places.Other answers:One of the earliest recorded champions of Christianity in the Roman Empire was the Emperor Constantine, who changed the national religion of all of Rome to Christianity.You also need to research the first popes to get a full background on the development of the church and it's hierarchy.Henry the 8th helped set up the Anglican Church (also known as the Church of England).From a Bible standpoint:The church began in Jerusalem around 30 AD. Acts of the Apostles is a history of the birth and development of the "early" (true) church, and contains the answer to your question.