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Q: Who gathered at temples to worship Zeus?
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Did Athens or Sparta gather at temples to worship Zeus?

No they gathered in the middle of the city

Why did people worship the god Zeus?

How did the Greek worship Zeus

Why did the Romans build temples?

The Romans built temples because they kind of copied the Greek civilizations. After all, they had to worship gods. They had the same gods as the Greeks, but in different names. For example, Zeus in Greece was Jupiter in Roman.

Why were temples made for the greek gods?

Temples are where you worship.

Where do Buddhidts worship Buddha?

Buddhists worship buddhas in temples, where they could meditate Buddhists worship buddhas in temples, where they could meditate

Where do the conufcians worship?

the confucians worship at mostly the temples and anywhere Confucius was at to represent him the confucians worship at mostly the temples and anywhere Confucius was at to represent him

Where did the Spartans worship?

At Temples

How many temples did Zeus have?

about 35...why?

Why did the Greeks worship Zeus?

No, they worshipped Zeus.

Where do they worship is Judaism?

Jews worship God in the temples and synagogues.

Do Buddhist worship in synagogues?

Ni, Buddhists worship in temples.

What are Thai temples for?

most temples are built in worship of there religion/god. they go there to worship and pay respect for example people go to church to worship jesus.