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The Lord's prayer is found in The Bible. It is in the book called the gospel of Matthew chapter 6 verses 5 - 13

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Q: Who gave us the Lords prayer?
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Why did Jesus teach his disciples the Lords Prayer?

He was giving an example of how we should pray. He was telling the disciples not to pray as the hypocrites and pharisees did. So he gave them the Lords prayer as a kind of guidline for praying.

What is the meaning of lords prayer?

The lords prayer learn you how to pray, it honor him, tell who he is, giving us what we need and asking for forgiviness

What is the prayer Jesus taught us all to say together?

the LORDS prayer

What prayer did Jesus teach us to pray?

Yes he did. He taught us how to pray and to tell God to forgive our sins. :D

Is the lords prayer said in Judaism?

No. That is a Christian prayer.

Where do the words lords prayer come from?

The deciples once asked Jesus to teach them to pray and he taught them the lords prayer as we know it.

Are your prayers same?

We offer our prayers to the Father to thank Him for all that He has done for us, to partition Him for things we are in need of and close our prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. Many people recite the Lords Prayer, but they forget that Christ only gave them this as a guide as to what to say, and not to use it as an actual prayer. What you ask for or thank Him for in your prayer does not have to be the same each time. You pray as guided by the Spirit.

What is the name of the prayer Jesus told christians to use?

It is called the lords prayer.

What are the exact prayers of Jesus?

It is the Lords prayer.

Where is the lords prayer in the King James version of the Bible?

The Lords prayer can be found in Luke 11:1-4 & Matthew 6:9-13.

Who gave us the prayer your father?

first off, its OUR FATHER not your father. Now that that has been corrected, Jesus Christ taught us the prayer

What does lead us not into temptation mean in the lords prayer?

"Lead us not into temptation" in the Lord's Prayer is a plea for God's guidance and support to help us avoid situations that might tempt us to stray from our faith or do wrong. It emphasizes the desire for strength and protection from challenges that may test our resolve and moral values.