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lyddie and betsy

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Q: Who gets sick of lung diseases in Lyddie?
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What are the benefits of examining a sick person's cells?

some benefits are lung cancer and diseases

Who studies' what gets us sick?

Scientists and doctors study diseases and cures for them.

Does DNA have anything to do with getting sick?

Not really. Although, there are a group of diseases called genetically related diseases that occur as a result of unhealty DNA (or mutated DNA). Most often when a person gets sick, DNA has nothing to do with it. It is most likely other complications

Should lyddie sign the petition?

yes she should because she could get hurt and get sick

Is Benjamin sick?

yes he is he has a lung infection

How sick is Nelson Mandela?

He has lung desease

Can goldfish have diseases?

yes. they can get many diseases from bacteria in tanks and other sick fish.

Do penguins get sick?

everything gets sick...

Can a sich kitten make a child sick?

There are some diseases that a sick kitten can pass on to make a child sick.

What does sponge bob get sick to?

he gets sick to seweed

Was Henry Hudson ever sick?

No he was not, no diseases known of him.

Why do babies get sick?

Babies get sick for the same reason everybody does: viruses, bacteria and other diseases.