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You are remembering that wrong. One of the residents of the Secret Annex was Fritz Pfeffer, a German/Jewish dentist. He worked on both Anne and Mrs. van Pels at different times, and it was Mrs. van Pels who got the dental instrument stuck in her tooth, mostly because of the thrashing around she was doing.

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In Anne Frank's diary, she mentions that her dentist got a drill bit stuck in her upper molar during a procedure. The event caused her pain and discomfort, and she felt uncomfortable taking it out herself.

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Q: Who got a dentist instrument stuck in anne franks tooth?
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How can you pull your back tooth?

Your dentist will use and instrument to "wiggle" from side to side for a while, then use a special tooth instrument to twist and pull the tooth out. This is done under a local anesthetic, usually.

Its stuck in my gums a little bit.Only the top of my tooth is stuck in the gums.How do I take it out with no pain?

Just wait for it to fall out because your gums can bleed.Or go to a dentist.

Bone and tooth stuck together came with extraction.Is this normal?

Depend how much bone. Some coming out with a tooth, while not desired, is not uncommon and generally not a problem. A Dentist

Is there any way to remove half of a tooth stuck inside the gum after a wisdom tooth pushed out the other half?

i think visiting a dentist would be your best bet!

What do a teeth think about a dentist?

Well, teeth love the dentist. Only because the get to be cleaned and 'tickled'. If the dentist has to pull out a tooth, Don't think of it as your never going to see that tooth again, think of it as the tooth will be with the tooth fairy that night, the tooth will be in "tooth heaven".

How do you take a tooth out?

First, the tooth should be COMPLETLY numb so that the patient does not feel any pain. Once that is accomplished, then the Dentist will use an instrument called an elevator to push the gums gently away from the tooth. When most of the gums at the top are pulled back the dentist will use another instrument that pushes the gums aways as you he goes lower down the roots of the tooth. When all sides of the tooth are loose from the ligament then the tooth should already be mobile and the Dentist can use surgical forceps to pull the loose tooth out. The worst and longest part is the numbing aspect...loosening the tooth should be a breeze in most cases.

How do you get out a tooth?

By going to the dentist for an extraction.

If you knock out a permanent tooth how do you treat this?

If the tooth has just been knocked out and you have the tooth, place it in milk or water and get to your dentist. If you can get to the dentist in time, quite often a tooth can actually be re-implanted. But you have to do it ASAP! If you have the tooth and can't get in touch with your regular dentist, then call any dentist you can get in contact with. There may even be an emergency dentist number in your phone book. But you have to call now!

What do you call a dentist in bed it a joke?

A dentist in bed is a tooth dentist. This is a joke.

What things can a dentist do to a bad tooth?

A dentist can do a couple of things to a bad tooth. If the tooth is salvageable, the part that is bad will be carved or drilled out, then filled. If the entire tooth is bad, then the dentist will simply pry it out and offer options to replace it.

Words that describe a dentist?

Tooth Protecter, Tooth Guardians, Tooth Carers