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Q: Who got shot with an bowing arrow in the ankle in the Trojan war?
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How did achilles die in the trojan war?

Shot by an arrow from Paris.

What happened to Achilles after the Trojan war?

In the myth it said that achilles was dipped in the river styx he was invulnerabele except one spot his ankle and when he got shot in the ankle by the arrow he died so he didn't make it to the end of the trojan war.

How did the weakness affect Achilles?

Achilles was a demigod who was dipped in the River of Stix by his mother holding him by his ankle when he was a baby, making him unvulerable. Later, during the Trojan War he was shot with an arrow right on the ankle, the only place on his body that wasn't unvulnerable, and he died.

How did Achilles die during the Trojan war?

Shot by and arrow from Paris.

How did Achilles of Sparta die?

Shot in the ankle, specifically the Achilles Tendon, with a poisoned arrow

Where did Achilles die in the Trojan war?

Paris shot him with an arrow in front of the city of Troy in the 10th year of the invasion.

How important was Achilles in the Trojan war?

He was very important. He was the warrior who couldn't be killed! That is, until Paris shot his heel with an arrow guided by Apollo.

Cause of Achilles' death?

His mother held the baby Achilles by the heel when she dipped him in the River Styx to make him invulnerable to injury. His heel was not exposed to the magic of the river water and he died after being shot in the heel with an arrow.

Was Achilles a character in the Trojan war?

He was. In the course of the war, his famously vulnerable heel was shot by an arrow and he was killed. He was considered a great hero on the Greek side.

How was Achilles killed in the Trojan war?

Paris who was Hectors brother shot him with an arrow in the ankle heel part. When Achilles was a baby his mom dipped him in a magical river that made the Gods look after him. When she dipped baby Achilles in the water he was held by his heel there fore that was his weak spot so when Paris hit him it made him die.

Is Apollo responsible for Achilles death?

Achilles dies during the Trojan War mortally wounded by an arrow shot by paris (and guilded by apollo. so yes and no

Who is the Greek goddess with a bow and arrow?

You may be talking about Achilles. He was not a greek god, but he was dipped into the River of Styx. His mother held his ankle while she submerged him into the River. Therefore, one day, Achilles's ankle was shot by an arrow, and he died. It was his heel actually. Haven't you ever heard of the Achilles heel? It was his heel not ankle.