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both can be very good .. because ive seen Florida schools and they are very good but some may be pretty bad .. and as for New York some schools are good and some schools are extremely bad for anyone to go to. other ways Florida is a peaceful place .. New York can be peaceful too .. but hate the blizzards their.. see i am from California and i still live in California but ive been to both places.. there are things in both places that i dislike .. Florida sometimes is too hot it remeinds me of Texas .. but then New York gets wayy to cold like in the north pole kinda cold and the cold starts making people get depressed which can get very annoying. but other ways both states are very cool and awesome. things i personally love about Florida

1. bars

2. beaches

3. theme parks

4. houses

5. weather most of the time

6. the beautiful views

7. midnight dance clubs

then things i love about New York are

1. weather most of the time

2. stores

3. cities

4. Statue of Liberty

those are things i love about each states :)

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Q: Who has a better public school New York or Florida?
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