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Q: Who has a better reaction time?
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Is reaction time in born or made?

A reaction time is born but is made at the same time. While you grow older and use your reaction more, your reaction time will become faster and better. So, your reaction time isn't born nor made.

Why is it good to have fast reaction time?

Fast reaction times allow better reflexes to defend oneself from injury or violence.

How does age affect the ability of drivers?

Younger drivers have less experience but better reaction time.. Older drivers have more experience but less reaction time.

How does reaction time affect reaction distance?

Because it you a slow reactionist, then it effects the time when you do react. For example, a car is coming at you and you react quickly. You reaction distance will be better that when you react a couple seconds later.

What does light reaction produce?

Light pollution sometimes. But most time it produces the light that emits in a better way.

What light reaction produces?

Light pollution sometimes. But most time it produces the light that emits in a better way.

What effect do concentration changes have on the reaction time?

Concentration has a massive impact on reaction times. If you are tired (lack of concentration), your brain will be working slower, and therefore your reaction will be slower. If you are energized and focused, your brain will be better prepared for anything that challenges it.

Drivers who can only react to one situation at a time are called?

singular reaction abilities

How do you reduce human reaction time?

Well, human body is programmed to have different reaction times in different scenarios. The event that you are accustomed to, you will show better reaction time in those events. Say you are race car driver, then you will have swift reaction times while on the road. Now you can't have a very quick reaction time all the time, that needs a very active state of mind all the time. Meditation, old Japanese martial arts, Unagi, martial arts teach those kind of things too. A simpler strategy to better your reaction time in sports would be to keep yourself in that particular position a lot many times, and accustom you body and mind according to that. Believe me, human body and mind is great at adapting to new scenarios.

What is the term for the length of time that it takes for you to respond to a stimulus?

Reaction time

Can reaction time be improved?

Fear can improve (shorten) reaction time.

Is deco better than lampard?

1bilion time better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Deco has much better technique, holds the ball very well, and has better vsion. Lampard has better reaction and sense of positioning, althought, he is efficient. But efficient equals boring person to watch!!!!!!!