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Q: Who has been awarded Man Booker International Prize for the year 2010?
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What is the difference between Booker and man Booker prize?

The Booker Prize is a literary award that recognizes the best original novel written in English and published in the UK or Ireland. The Man Booker Prize was a literary prize that merged with the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize in 2016 to become the Booker Prize International, which recognizes the best translated fiction book.

Who win the Booker prize 2010?

howard jacobson

Who got the Nobel Prize in physics in 2010?

The Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010 was awarded jointly to Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov.

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Christopher A. Pissarides won The Prize in Economic Sciences in 2010.

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Akira Suzuki won The Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2010.

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Liu Xiaobo won The Nobel Peace Prize in 2010.

What Nobel Prize did Andre Geim win and when was it awarded?

Andre Geim won The Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010.

What Nobel Prize did Konstantin Novoselov win and when was it awarded?

Konstantin Novoselov won The Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010.

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dalai lama

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Ei-ichi Negishi won The Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2010.

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Willard S. Boyle won The Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010.

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Richard F. Heck won The Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2010.