

Who has colored feces?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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Pretty much everyone will have a few variations of colored feces in their lives. Sometimes it is due to health concerns, but usually it is just what you ate or drank recently. If you had way too much blue or purple Kool-Aid the day before, then that will color your feces.

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Q: Who has colored feces?
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What Minnesota animal has purple colored poop?

The Minnesota animal that has purple-colored feces is any animal that has a rich diet of grape jelly or eats blueberries. Both black bears and orioles fall into this category.

What does pale feces mean?

Light-coloured poo poo's! Pale feces can mean you have gall stones blocking what is called the common bile duct leading from your gall bladder to your liver. The bile that is collected in your gall bladder is secreted in to the liver which is then secreted into the stomach to help digest fats that you have eaten. This bile is the substance that turns your feces to a brownish color, so if your feces is pale colored, you most likely have a blockage of your gall bladder.

What does clear dog poo indicate?

This is not a good sign, normally dogs feces should be somewhat colored and semi hard. It could indicate food needs to be changed.

What is the treatment for having a green color feces in human?

Green color feces in humans can be caused by factors like diet, bile pigments, or intestinal issues. If it's due to diet, it usually resolves on its own. If it persists or is accompanied by other symptoms, it's best to consult a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Is it feces or feces?

Feces is correct in America. Faeces is correct in International English.

Why did your whole family turn into feces?

Because your feces has magical powers that turns anything it touches to feces, and one day your family thought your feces was cookies, ate it, and then they turned into feces! TADAA!

What makes human feces green?

Green stools are generally caused by eating dark-colored foods and especially drinks. So if you enjoy drinking purple and blue drinks, your feces may be green instead of the usual brown color. The reason it becomes green is because bile is yellow, and yellow and blue make green.

Does feces stink?

Yes feces does stink.

Do children's feces stink?

Yes, children's feces often smells as offensive as adult feces.

Why is feces sometimes black in color?

Feces can be black for a number of reasons. Licorice or other foods can color the feces but it can also be colored black because it contains blood. There are a number of reasons for this. A stomach ulcer can bleed slowly and cause the stool to darken. You need to see a doctor and check it out. Ulcers can be treated with tablets. Smoking and drinking alcohol can make the ulcer problem worse. You may also be anemic if this has taken place over a long time.