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Matt Thompson in Keystone Colorado was struck directly through his body.

There are stories of people all over the world that have got hit by a lightning and survived.

A key factor is that they have been working out and been covered in sweat or being very wet from rain itself.

This seem to have saved them from the actual current going through the body instead of outside of body.

Some people wearing necklaces have even had these melted/burned into the skin around their neck due to the intense power of the lightning.

I have even heard about one single person being hit by lightning 3 times. I think the lightning got the better of him the last time, but he survived the first two.

It is an interesting fact that people can survive such an experience.

It is however so many people throughout the world with such an experience that it is a bit difficult to actually make a list of them all here.

I cant really see the use of it. I am sure most of them prefer a nice and calm life.

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They die ps you spelt struck wrong A person does not always die after being struck by lightning. There are many occasions where people have survived a lightning strike. You can always do a search on lightning strike survivors and you will see this is true.

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