

Who has hal9000?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Who has hal9000?
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What are the major events in the rising action in 2001 space odyssey?

Lots of the rising action is man vs. machine. HAL9000, the ship's intelligent computer, uses his advantages to kill people on the ship. He kills these people because he wants to protect himself from being disconnected after he hears that he might be. Dave shuts down HAL9000 by erasing his memory. HAL9000 has never slept or gone into an unconscious state before so he thinks there is no difference between shutting down and dying.

Who was hall 9000?

HAL9000 was the intelligent (and eventually murderous) computer that ran the space ship in Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Who was HAL9000?

HAL9000 is the on-board computer on the spacecraft USS Discovery, which in the book/film's 2001 is sent to Jupiter to investigate the appearance of an alien monolith (the existence of which the rest of Discovery's crew are uninformed of). HAL's directives are not to lie or conceal information, but at the same time ensure that the crew are not informed of the real purpose of their mission until they have reached Jupiter. This creates a paradox, causing HAL to become schizophrenic. He lies about a nonexistent failure in the antenna, AE35, and Frank and Dave, two of the crew, become worried and plan to shut HAL down. HAL, however, eavesdrops on their conversation and doesn't like the idea of shutting would mean failure of his mission objective. HAL kills off all of the crew except for Dave, who survives long enough to shut down HAL.[notable scenes in the film pertaining to this are where Dave begs HAL to open the pod bay doors to allow him to reenter the ship, and where Dave shuts down HAL, he sings the song 'Daisy' as he shuts down.]

Histry of computer?

computer is made by charles babdge and another word say is father of computer. computer 1st genration is come in 1945 - 1958. 2nd genration come in 1958 - 1970. 3rd genration come in 1971 -1980.and 4th genration computer is 1980 is made b ibm with the help of microsoft. and 5th genration computer is not define as becouse this is work on by scincetist. and example is prallel comunication and to take more information by hal9000

What is the name of the ship27s computer in 2001 A Space Odyssey?

The ship was called the Jupiter 2, although in the original pilot it was called the Gemini 12. Perhaps the reason for the name change was that NASA was originally going to be involved with the series but when they saw what Irwin Allen was producing they pulled out. Perhaps in a fit of pique (with the availability of a pencil to edit the script) Allen gave it its well-known name.

How do you unlock vince on WWE smackdown vs raw 2008?

first you have to defaet everybody then you get him simple it worked for me please vote who is cooler me or hal9000

Who was HAL 9000?

HAL9000 is of the 9000 computer series ['the most advanced computer in the world...which has never made a mistake'] in the Space Odyssey series of books and films (Kubrick's 1967 film 2001: A Space Odyssey and Peter Hyam's 1984 followup, 2010: The Year We Make Contact, based on the book by Arthur C. Clarke, 2001: A Space Odyssey and 2010: Odyssey Two. There are two other books, 2061: Odyssey Three, and 3001: The Final Odyssey, although neither contain HAL9000)Douglas Rain played the voice of HAL in both films.HAL exists as a vast supercomputer on the ship, although for most of both films the only sight of him is through his iconic red camera 'eye'.HAL9000 is the onboard computer on the spacecraft USS Discovery, which in the book/film's 2001 is sent to Jupiter to investigate the appearance of an alien monolith (the existence of which the rest of Discovery's crew are uninformed of). HAL's directives are not to lie or conceal information, but at the same time ensure that the crew are not informed of the real purpose of their mission until they have reached Jupiter. This creates a paradox, causing HAL to become schizophrenic. He lies about a nonexistent failure in the antenna, AE35, and Frank and Dave, two of the crew, become worried and plan to shut HAL down. HAL, however, eavesdrops on their conversation and doesn't like the idea of shutting would mean failure of his mission objective. HAL kills off all of the crew except for Dave, who survives long enough to shut down HAL.[notable scenes in the film pertaining to this are where Dave begs HAL to open the pod bay doors to allow him to reenter the ship, and where Dave shuts down HAL, he sings the song 'Daisy Bell' as he shuts down.]HAL is revived in 2010, when the crew of Leonov recover the Discovery, which was floating unmanned in space [the fate of Dave is irrelevant to the question]. HAL has lost his memory of the events of 2001, [and as such does not encounter a paradox and remains docile] and guides the Discovery around Jupiter to assess the monolith and events on Jupiter, as per his mission objective.HAL9000 is killed when the Discovery is torn apart by the destruction of Jupiter at the end of 2010.He is survived by at least three identical 9000 computers on Earth, one of which is SAL9000.

Who is the author for 2001 A Space Odyssey?

Released April 6, 1968, it was a film based on a story by Arthur C. Clarke called "The Sentinel". Clarke collaborated with Stanley Kubrick (who also directed) on the screenplay. In the longest portion of the film, Keir Dullea plays Dave who has the "battle of wits" with his computer HAL9000 (voiced by Douglas Rain). Although it is widely believed to be one of weirdest movies EVER and that it makes no sense, it is considered to be one of the finest films in cinema history. Its sequel 2010:The Year We Make Contact, promised to answer all the questions from the original. They lied.