

Who has the least contributions on WikiAnswers?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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There are various users with 0 contribution points, so this question is not possible to answer.

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Q: Who has the least contributions on WikiAnswers?
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Superviser like the Seniors will decide on this question. They look to see if your making good contributions and are not a vandeliser.

How many contributions do you need to get a Linguist badge?

You need at least 500 QUALITY (not Google Translate) contributions in at least 2 different languages of WikiAnswers. This can include the English, French, Spanish, German, Italian and Tagalog versions of WikiAnswers.(See Related question.)

What is a linguist?

a linguist is someone who has achieved over 500 contributions on at least two different wikianswers sites.

How does WikiAnswers rank your contributions?

WikiAnswers ranks your contributions by how many questions, answers, edits and community work you contribute to the WikiAnswers community.

What is the least amount of contributions that you have to have to become a supervisor on WikiAnswers?

The thing that matters more than the number of contributions is the quality of contributions. On WikiAnswers, even though you may have 1,000 contributions, many may be vandalism. The better the quality, the better the chances. Also, there are a few requirements that need to be met. See the related question below.

Does WikiAnswers pay you for your contributions?

WikiAnswers does not pay for contributions. All contributors and supervisors are volunteers who love the site concept.

How do you get more contributions on WikiAnswers?

Answer questions.

Why is it hard to find contributions for wikianswers?

Its not

How do you erase your contributions on WikiAnswers?

You can't

Is there a limit to the amount of contributions you can make on WikiAnswers?

There is no end to the amount of contributions you can make.

Can you transfer your WikiAnswers contributions from your computer ID to your account?

Unfortunately there is no way transfer contributions made as an unregistered user to a registered WikiAnswers account.

How many contributions do you need on WikiAnswers to become a Gold Contributor?

To get to a "Gold Contributor" level, you must have at least 25,000 contributions. This includes everything from asking and answering questions to putting questions in the right categories.