

Who has the most legs?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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12y ago

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Chazz Dawg 101 has the most legs he has 654879388765287592 and grows a new one every 65738 minutes.

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Q: Who has the most legs?
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The dragonflies legs are located on its thorax like most insects legs.

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A spider has 8 legs. That is why it is technically not an insect (an insect has 6 legs).

How many legs do centipedeshave?

They all have differentt amounts of legs, its a myth that centipedes all have 100 legs as most have about 42 legs. :)

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Most healthy dingoes have four legs.

What has tthe most legs?

The centipedes have the most legs.It can have a varying number of legs from under 20 to over 300. Centipedes have an odd number of pairs of legs, e.g. 15 or 17 pairs of legs (30 or 34 legs) but never 16 pairs (32 legs).

How many legs does a centepede have?

A centipede can have up to 124 tiny legs, but a centipede is not the creature with the most legs . . . the millipede is.

How many legs does a of mammals have?

Most mammals have 4 legs, but some have 2.

What animal has the most legs?

The Millipede has been known to have up to 750 legs.

Which insects have two legs?

There are no insects that have two legs. All insects have six legs and most insects have wings on their bodies.