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Q: Who has the power to call out the National Guard in Illinois?
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Who is the commander-in-chief of the state of Illinois?

The governor of Illinois can call out the National Guard for emergencies.

What power does the governor have that the president does not?

In general, the president has more power of the Governor.

Which state can call out the states national guard?

The governor, and that power may be delegated to the lieutenant governor, as well. Additionally, some states permit their County Sheriffs to call up National Guard units within their county as needed.

What state official can call out the national guard?


What state official can call out the state's National Guard?


What do you call people in the national guard?

guardsman or reservists.

When can the County Sheriff call out the National Guard?

County Sheriffs do not have the authority to call out the Guard. That's done by the governor of the state or the president of the US.

What was the consequence for refusing call up to be a National Guard?

To be a National Guardsman is your decision, but refusing a deployment can get you into trouble.

How do you call volunteer soldiers who serve their state?

State Militia, or National Guard. Some states also have a State Guard.

Which state official can call out the state's National Guard?

Depends on that state, really. In all states, the governor will be able to. If the state permits it, a County Sheriff could call up both State and National Guard units in their respective county.

Can the president call out the National Guard?

Yes. It serves both state and federal authorities.

What civilians call up the National guard?

The governor and president of the US are the only civilians authorized.