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the bates family was the family who helped the duggars with an addition.

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The Duggar family built most of their home by hand with the help of a family friend and a few professionals that TLC hired towards the end of the process.

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Q: Who helped build the Duggar family home?
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Does the duggar family have any hired help?

No, they do it all on their own! There are times when the family has hired people to help them complete big projects, but there are usually someone who comes in with some expertise that the family cannot cover, or learn in time to do the job quickly. Josh Duggar had employees at the car lot, and a contractor helped the family complete their 9,000 square foot home when they found out their current home was slated for demolition.

Did TLC pay for the Duggar home?

TLC did not pay for the Duggar home. Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar purchased a couple of commercial building kits, and worked with their family and friends to combine them into a single home. The children worked on various aspects of the home, to the point that Michelle once joked about each child getting power tools was a rite of passage. As progress on the home slowed and some of the elements became more physically demanding, a friend of the Duggars pitched in with his crew to get push the home to completion. Some people might argue that the funds from the family reality television show "17 Kids and Counting" helped fund those efforts - but the Duggars paid for the home.

Bio of the tv show duggar family?

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar married in 1984. They currently have 19 children (and 2 in heaven), as well as 2 grandchildren. The family resides in Northwest Arkansas in a home that they built themselves.

How is your pregnancy so far Michelle Duggar?

Michelle Duggar is not pregnant at this time, but her most recent pregnancy was complicated due to several complications: Preeclampsia, gallstones etc. Little Josie was born in December 2009 and is now home with the rest of the Duggar family.

Where is jessa duggar?

Living at home. The family believes that the children, especially the daughters, should stay in their father's house until they wed.

Related questions

What religion are the Duggar family of the rea?

The Duggar family comes from a conservative Baptist background. They currently home-church with a group of friends and neighbors.

Does the duggar family have any hired help?

No, they do it all on their own! There are times when the family has hired people to help them complete big projects, but there are usually someone who comes in with some expertise that the family cannot cover, or learn in time to do the job quickly. Josh Duggar had employees at the car lot, and a contractor helped the family complete their 9,000 square foot home when they found out their current home was slated for demolition.

Are the dug gars Mormon?

No. The Duggar family are home church Baptists.

Did TLC pay for the Duggar home?

TLC did not pay for the Duggar home. Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar purchased a couple of commercial building kits, and worked with their family and friends to combine them into a single home. The children worked on various aspects of the home, to the point that Michelle once joked about each child getting power tools was a rite of passage. As progress on the home slowed and some of the elements became more physically demanding, a friend of the Duggars pitched in with his crew to get push the home to completion. Some people might argue that the funds from the family reality television show "17 Kids and Counting" helped fund those efforts - but the Duggars paid for the home.

Bio of the tv show duggar family?

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar married in 1984. They currently have 19 children (and 2 in heaven), as well as 2 grandchildren. The family resides in Northwest Arkansas in a home that they built themselves.

Did Anna Duggar - previously Anna Keller - watch TV at her home in Florida before she was married to Joshua Duggar?

Yes. I saw somewhere that she watched the Duggar family show and thought to herself, "Wow, I'd like to meet them one day."

How is your pregnancy so far Michelle Duggar?

Michelle Duggar is not pregnant at this time, but her most recent pregnancy was complicated due to several complications: Preeclampsia, gallstones etc. Little Josie was born in December 2009 and is now home with the rest of the Duggar family.

What does Michelle Duggar do for work?

Michelle Duggar works as a reality TV star. Michelle has know "real" job because the family follows traditional family lifestyles, meaning that Michelle stays home and takes care of the kids while her husband works.

Where is jessa duggar?

Living at home. The family believes that the children, especially the daughters, should stay in their father's house until they wed.

Why did so many people at home get involved in the effort to help win the war?

So many people got involved with the war at home to try to help to end the war and get family members and friends home. To do so, women build weapons and bought war bonds and looked after the family at home. This helped greatly and helped to end the war faster.

Why did so many people at home get involved in the effort to help win World War I?

So many people got involved with the war at home to try to help to end the war and get family members and friends home. To do so, women build weapons and bought war bonds and looked after the family at home. This helped greatly and helped to end the war faster.

Is Josie Duggar home from the hospital?

No she has not.