

Who helped the soviets create the atomic bomb?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Igor Kurchatov,

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Q: Who helped the soviets create the atomic bomb?
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Ethiopian will help you classify your information.

Why are Julius and Ethel Rosenburg important to the cold war?

because they helped the soviets get info of the atomic bomb

In what country was the plan devised to create an atomic bomb?

In what country was the plan devised to create an atomic bomb?

Who told the plans for an atomic bomb to the Soviets?

Klaus Fuchs & Ted Hall

How did the atomic bomb start the cold war?

The bomb was used to scare the Soviets and show them the United States' power

Who helped to create the atom bomb?

Several thousand people helped create the atom bomb

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Who was the spy who helped create the atomic bomb?

known spys were:klaus fuchsted halldavid greenglassthere may have been others.

How does the atomic bomb help people?

The atomic bomb helped peopole know more about radiation poisining and helped in the advancements in neuclear energy.

Who ordered Albert Einstein make the atomic bomb?

No one did; Albert Einstein did not create the atomic bomb.

When does the USSR get the Atomic bomb?

The Soviets tested their first A-Bomb in 1949; one year before the start of the Korean War (1950-1953).