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Both the mother and the father eagle hunt for food. After they have laid eggs, they will take turns between hunting and incubating the eggs. Once the eggs hatch, both will return to hunting for themselves and for the young.

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Q: Who hunts for food the mother eagle or the father eagle?
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Both mother and father cause when the father is fiding food the mother sits on the nest and when the mother is finding food for the baby bird or for herself the father sits on them.

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Usually the mother but sometimes the father so they can both get food.

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The penguins eggs survive by the mother and father nesting overtop of them. They will both take turns while one of them hunts for food and the other incubates the egg. The egg is between both of the feet while standing up.

Who finds the food the mother of father?

Ysually both parents are involved in providing food.


It hunts its food

When animals are helpless at birth the father usually takes care of them?

The mom is with the baby while the dad hunts for food so the answer is Mom not Dad :D.

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Do penguins get food from their mother's throat?

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