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Q: Who imprisoned Odysseus' men in a pigsty?
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Who imprisoned Odysseus?

Multiple people imprisoned Odysseus.Polyphemos, the cyclops imprisoned Odysseus and his men in his cave.Zeus, temporarily imprisons Odysseus and his crew on the island of Thrinacia, home of the golden cattle of Helios, by not providing fair winds.Calypso, on her island.

Who was the nymph who imprisoned Odysseus?

The nymph who imprisoned Odysseus on her island was Calypso. She held Odysseus captive for seven years before eventually releasing him at the request of the gods.

What hero battled Polyphemus?

I wouldn't call it a battle, per se, but Polyphemus was the Cyclops that imprisoned Odysseus and his men. Odysseus put out his eye and tricked the giant into saying that No Man hurt him when calling for aid.

What is a similes for as --- as a pigsty?

A simile for pigsty would be as messy as a pigsty

Is 'pigsty' a simile?

as a pigsty srry dont kno

What prevents Circe turning Odysseus into a pig?

Once Odysseus realizes that the Circe is turning his men into pigs he runs to rescue them. On the way he is greeted by Hermes who gives him an herb called Moly. Odysseus is suppose to eat the flower which will stop him from changing into a pig and then he is supposed to draw his sword whenever she tries to drive him into the pigsty/cage. The Circe breaks down and Odysseus must agree to have sex with her in exchange for not having her use her powers against him. She then turns all his men back into humans and is now a nice person.

What prevents circe from turning odysseus into a pig?

Once Odysseus realizes that the Circe is turning his men into pigs he runs to rescue them. On the way he is greeted by Hermes who gives him an herb called Moly. Odysseus is suppose to eat the flower which will stop him from changing into a pig and then he is supposed to draw his sword whenever she tries to drive him into the pigsty/cage. The Circe breaks down and Odysseus must agree to have sex with her in exchange for not having her use her powers against him. She then turns all his men back into humans and is now a nice person.

What did the cyclops do to Odysseus' men?

He ate Odysseus's men.

What is pigsty in French?

A pigsty is 'une porcherie' in French.

What is a pigsty dinner called?

A pigsty dinner is called a swill.

When was Life Is a Pigsty created?

Life Is a Pigsty was created in 2006.

How do you use the word pigsty in a sentence?

The word pigsty is a noun, and is slang for "a very dirty or untidy place."Your room is a pigsty!